Project Alice
This is the complete list of members for httplib::Server, including all inherited members.
bind_to_any_port(const std::string &host, int socket_flags=0) | httplib::Server | inline |
bind_to_port(const std::string &host, int port, int socket_flags=0) | httplib::Server | inline |
decommission() | httplib::Server | inline |
Delete(const std::string &pattern, Handler handler) | httplib::Server | inline |
Delete(const std::string &pattern, HandlerWithContentReader handler) | httplib::Server | inline |
ExceptionHandler typedef | httplib::Server | |
Expect100ContinueHandler typedef | httplib::Server | |
Get(const std::string &pattern, Handler handler) | httplib::Server | inline |
Handler typedef | httplib::Server | |
HandlerResponse enum name | httplib::Server | |
HandlerWithContentReader typedef | httplib::Server | |
HandlerWithResponse typedef | httplib::Server | |
idle_interval_sec_ | httplib::Server | protected |
idle_interval_usec_ | httplib::Server | protected |
is_running() const | httplib::Server | inline |
is_valid() const | httplib::Server | inlinevirtual |
keep_alive_max_count_ | httplib::Server | protected |
keep_alive_timeout_sec_ | httplib::Server | protected |
listen(const std::string &host, int port, int socket_flags=0) | httplib::Server | inline |
listen_after_bind() | httplib::Server | inline |
new_task_queue | httplib::Server | |
Options(const std::string &pattern, Handler handler) | httplib::Server | inline |
Patch(const std::string &pattern, Handler handler) | httplib::Server | inline |
Patch(const std::string &pattern, HandlerWithContentReader handler) | httplib::Server | inline |
payload_max_length_ | httplib::Server | protected |
Post(const std::string &pattern, Handler handler) | httplib::Server | inline |
Post(const std::string &pattern, HandlerWithContentReader handler) | httplib::Server | inline |
process_request(Stream &strm, const std::string &remote_addr, int remote_port, const std::string &local_addr, int local_port, bool close_connection, bool &connection_closed, const std::function< void(Request &)> &setup_request) | httplib::Server | inlineprotected |
Put(const std::string &pattern, Handler handler) | httplib::Server | inline |
Put(const std::string &pattern, HandlerWithContentReader handler) | httplib::Server | inline |
read_timeout_sec_ | httplib::Server | protected |
read_timeout_usec_ | httplib::Server | protected |
remove_mount_point(const std::string &mount_point) | httplib::Server | inline |
Server() | httplib::Server | inline |
set_address_family(int family) | httplib::Server | inline |
set_base_dir(const std::string &dir, const std::string &mount_point=std::string()) | httplib::Server | inline |
set_default_file_mimetype(const std::string &mime) | httplib::Server | inline |
set_default_headers(Headers headers) | httplib::Server | inline |
set_error_handler(ErrorHandlerFunc &&handler) | httplib::Server | inline |
set_exception_handler(ExceptionHandler handler) | httplib::Server | inline |
set_expect_100_continue_handler(Expect100ContinueHandler handler) | httplib::Server | inline |
set_file_extension_and_mimetype_mapping(const std::string &ext, const std::string &mime) | httplib::Server | inline |
set_file_request_handler(Handler handler) | httplib::Server | inline |
set_header_writer(std::function< ssize_t(Stream &, Headers &)> const &writer) | httplib::Server | inline |
set_idle_interval(time_t sec, time_t usec=0) | httplib::Server | inline |
set_idle_interval(const std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > &duration) | httplib::Server | inline |
set_ipv6_v6only(bool on) | httplib::Server | inline |
set_keep_alive_max_count(size_t count) | httplib::Server | inline |
set_keep_alive_timeout(time_t sec) | httplib::Server | inline |
set_logger(Logger logger) | httplib::Server | inline |
set_mount_point(const std::string &mount_point, const std::string &dir, Headers headers=Headers()) | httplib::Server | inline |
set_payload_max_length(size_t length) | httplib::Server | inline |
set_post_routing_handler(Handler handler) | httplib::Server | inline |
set_pre_routing_handler(HandlerWithResponse handler) | httplib::Server | inline |
set_read_timeout(time_t sec, time_t usec=0) | httplib::Server | inline |
set_read_timeout(const std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > &duration) | httplib::Server | inline |
set_socket_options(SocketOptions socket_options) | httplib::Server | inline |
set_tcp_nodelay(bool on) | httplib::Server | inline |
set_write_timeout(time_t sec, time_t usec=0) | httplib::Server | inline |
set_write_timeout(const std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > &duration) | httplib::Server | inline |
start_server(const std::string &host, int port, int socket_flags=0) | httplib::Server | inline |
stop() | httplib::Server | inline |
svr_sock_ | httplib::Server | protected |
wait_until_ready() const | httplib::Server | inline |
write_timeout_sec_ | httplib::Server | protected |
write_timeout_usec_ | httplib::Server | protected |
~Server() | httplib::Server | inlinevirtual |