Project Alice
No Matches
httplib::detail Namespace Reference


namespace  case_ignore
namespace  udl


class  BufferStream
class  compressor
class  ContentProviderAdapter
class  decompressor
struct  FileStat
class  MatcherBase
class  mmap
class  MultipartFormDataParser
class  nocompressor
class  PathParamsMatcher
class  RegexMatcher
struct  scope_exit
class  SocketStream
class  stream_line_reader


enum class  EncodingType { None = 0 , Gzip , Brotli }


template<class T , class... Args>
std::enable_if<!std::is_array< T >::value, std::unique_ptr< T > >::type make_unique (Args &&...args)
template<class T >
std::enable_if< std::is_array< T >::value, std::unique_ptr< T > >::type make_unique (std::size_t n)
ssize_t write_headers (Stream &strm, const Headers &headers)
template<typename T , typename U >
void duration_to_sec_and_usec (const T &duration, U callback)
uint64_t get_header_value_u64 (const Headers &headers, const std::string &key, uint64_t def, size_t id)
std::string encode_query_param (const std::string &value)
std::string decode_url (const std::string &s, bool convert_plus_to_space)
void read_file (const std::string &path, std::string &out)
std::string trim_copy (const std::string &s)
void divide (const char *data, std::size_t size, char d, std::function< void(const char *, std::size_t, const char *, std::size_t)> fn)
void divide (const std::string &str, char d, std::function< void(const char *, std::size_t, const char *, std::size_t)> fn)
void split (const char *b, const char *e, char d, std::function< void(const char *, const char *)> fn)
void split (const char *b, const char *e, char d, size_t m, std::function< void(const char *, const char *)> fn)
bool process_client_socket (socket_t sock, time_t read_timeout_sec, time_t read_timeout_usec, time_t write_timeout_sec, time_t write_timeout_usec, std::function< bool(Stream &)> callback)
socket_t create_client_socket (const std::string &host, const std::string &ip, int port, int address_family, bool tcp_nodelay, bool ipv6_v6only, SocketOptions socket_options, time_t connection_timeout_sec, time_t connection_timeout_usec, time_t read_timeout_sec, time_t read_timeout_usec, time_t write_timeout_sec, time_t write_timeout_usec, const std::string &intf, Error &error)
const char * get_header_value (const Headers &headers, const std::string &key, const char *def, size_t id)
std::string params_to_query_str (const Params &params)
void parse_query_text (const char *data, std::size_t size, Params &params)
void parse_query_text (const std::string &s, Params &params)
bool parse_multipart_boundary (const std::string &content_type, std::string &boundary)
bool parse_range_header (const std::string &s, Ranges &ranges)
int close_socket (socket_t sock)
ssize_t send_socket (socket_t sock, const void *ptr, size_t size, int flags)
ssize_t read_socket (socket_t sock, void *ptr, size_t size, int flags)
EncodingType encoding_type (const Request &req, const Response &res)
bool is_hex (char c, int &v)
bool from_hex_to_i (const std::string &s, size_t i, size_t cnt, int &val)
std::string from_i_to_hex (size_t n)
size_t to_utf8 (int code, char *buff)
std::string base64_encode (const std::string &in)
bool is_valid_path (const std::string &path)
std::string encode_url (const std::string &s)
std::string file_extension (const std::string &path)
bool is_space_or_tab (char c)
std::pair< size_t, size_t > trim (const char *b, const char *e, size_t left, size_t right)
std::string trim_double_quotes_copy (const std::string &s)
template<typename T >
ssize_t handle_EINTR (T fn)
ssize_t select_read (socket_t sock, time_t sec, time_t usec)
ssize_t select_write (socket_t sock, time_t sec, time_t usec)
Error wait_until_socket_is_ready (socket_t sock, time_t sec, time_t usec)
bool is_socket_alive (socket_t sock)
bool keep_alive (const std::atomic< socket_t > &svr_sock, socket_t sock, time_t keep_alive_timeout_sec)
template<typename T >
bool process_server_socket_core (const std::atomic< socket_t > &svr_sock, socket_t sock, size_t keep_alive_max_count, time_t keep_alive_timeout_sec, T callback)
template<typename T >
bool process_server_socket (const std::atomic< socket_t > &svr_sock, socket_t sock, size_t keep_alive_max_count, time_t keep_alive_timeout_sec, time_t read_timeout_sec, time_t read_timeout_usec, time_t write_timeout_sec, time_t write_timeout_usec, T callback)
int shutdown_socket (socket_t sock)
std::string escape_abstract_namespace_unix_domain (const std::string &s)
std::string unescape_abstract_namespace_unix_domain (const std::string &s)
template<typename BindOrConnect >
socket_t create_socket (const std::string &host, const std::string &ip, int port, int address_family, int socket_flags, bool tcp_nodelay, bool ipv6_v6only, SocketOptions socket_options, BindOrConnect bind_or_connect)
void set_nonblocking (socket_t sock, bool nonblocking)
bool is_connection_error ()
bool bind_ip_address (socket_t sock, const std::string &host)
std::string if2ip (int address_family, const std::string &ifn)
bool get_ip_and_port (const struct sockaddr_storage &addr, socklen_t addr_len, std::string &ip, int &port)
void get_local_ip_and_port (socket_t sock, std::string &ip, int &port)
void get_remote_ip_and_port (socket_t sock, std::string &ip, int &port)
constexpr unsigned int str2tag_core (const char *s, size_t l, unsigned int h)
unsigned int str2tag (const std::string &s)
std::string find_content_type (const std::string &path, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &user_data, const std::string &default_content_type)
bool can_compress_content_type (const std::string &content_type)
bool has_header (const Headers &headers, const std::string &key)
template<typename T >
bool parse_header (const char *beg, const char *end, T fn)
bool read_headers (Stream &strm, Headers &headers)
bool read_content_with_length (Stream &strm, uint64_t len, Progress progress, ContentReceiverWithProgress out)
void skip_content_with_length (Stream &strm, uint64_t len)
bool read_content_without_length (Stream &strm, ContentReceiverWithProgress out)
template<typename T >
bool read_content_chunked (Stream &strm, T &x, ContentReceiverWithProgress out)
bool is_chunked_transfer_encoding (const Headers &headers)
template<typename T , typename U >
bool prepare_content_receiver (T &x, int &status, ContentReceiverWithProgress receiver, bool decompress, U callback)
template<typename T >
bool read_content (Stream &strm, T &x, size_t payload_max_length, int &status, Progress progress, ContentReceiverWithProgress receiver, bool decompress)
ssize_t write_request_line (Stream &strm, const std::string &method, const std::string &path)
ssize_t write_response_line (Stream &strm, int status)
bool write_data (Stream &strm, const char *d, size_t l)
template<typename T >
bool write_content (Stream &strm, const ContentProvider &content_provider, size_t offset, size_t length, T is_shutting_down, Error &error)
template<typename T >
bool write_content (Stream &strm, const ContentProvider &content_provider, size_t offset, size_t length, const T &is_shutting_down)
template<typename T >
bool write_content_without_length (Stream &strm, const ContentProvider &content_provider, const T &is_shutting_down)
template<typename T , typename U >
bool write_content_chunked (Stream &strm, const ContentProvider &content_provider, const T &is_shutting_down, U &compressor, Error &error)
template<typename T , typename U >
bool write_content_chunked (Stream &strm, const ContentProvider &content_provider, const T &is_shutting_down, U &compressor)
template<typename T >
bool redirect (T &cli, Request &req, Response &res, const std::string &path, const std::string &location, Error &error)
void parse_disposition_params (const std::string &s, Params &params)
std::string random_string (size_t length)
std::string make_multipart_data_boundary ()
bool is_multipart_boundary_chars_valid (const std::string &boundary)
template<typename T >
std::string serialize_multipart_formdata_item_begin (const T &item, const std::string &boundary)
std::string serialize_multipart_formdata_item_end ()
std::string serialize_multipart_formdata_finish (const std::string &boundary)
std::string serialize_multipart_formdata_get_content_type (const std::string &boundary)
std::string serialize_multipart_formdata (const MultipartFormDataItems &items, const std::string &boundary, bool finish=true)
bool range_error (Request &req, Response &res)
std::pair< size_t, size_t > get_range_offset_and_length (Range r, size_t content_length)
std::string make_content_range_header_field (const std::pair< size_t, size_t > &offset_and_length, size_t content_length)
template<typename SToken , typename CToken , typename Content >
bool process_multipart_ranges_data (const Request &req, const std::string &boundary, const std::string &content_type, size_t content_length, SToken stoken, CToken ctoken, Content content)
void make_multipart_ranges_data (const Request &req, Response &res, const std::string &boundary, const std::string &content_type, size_t content_length, std::string &data)
size_t get_multipart_ranges_data_length (const Request &req, const std::string &boundary, const std::string &content_type, size_t content_length)
template<typename T >
bool write_multipart_ranges_data (Stream &strm, const Request &req, Response &res, const std::string &boundary, const std::string &content_type, size_t content_length, const T &is_shutting_down)
bool expect_content (const Request &req)
bool has_crlf (const std::string &s)
bool parse_www_authenticate (const Response &res, std::map< std::string, std::string > &auth, bool is_proxy)

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ EncodingType

enum class httplib::detail::EncodingType

Definition at line 2360 of file httplib.h.

Function Documentation

◆ base64_encode()

std::string httplib::detail::base64_encode ( const std::string &  in)

Definition at line 2601 of file httplib.h.

◆ bind_ip_address()

bool httplib::detail::bind_ip_address ( socket_t  sock,
const std::string &  host 

Definition at line 3560 of file httplib.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ can_compress_content_type()

bool httplib::detail::can_compress_content_type ( const std::string &  content_type)

Definition at line 3860 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ close_socket()

int httplib::detail::close_socket ( socket_t  sock)

Definition at line 3061 of file httplib.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ create_client_socket()

socket_t httplib::detail::create_client_socket ( const std::string &  host,
const std::string &  ip,
int  port,
int  address_family,
bool  tcp_nodelay,
bool  ipv6_v6only,
SocketOptions  socket_options,
time_t  connection_timeout_sec,
time_t  connection_timeout_usec,
time_t  read_timeout_sec,
time_t  read_timeout_usec,
time_t  write_timeout_sec,
time_t  write_timeout_usec,
const std::string &  intf,
Error error 

Definition at line 3626 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ create_socket()

template<typename BindOrConnect >
socket_t httplib::detail::create_socket ( const std::string &  host,
const std::string &  ip,
int  port,
int  address_family,
int  socket_flags,
bool  tcp_nodelay,
bool  ipv6_v6only,
SocketOptions  socket_options,
BindOrConnect  bind_or_connect 

Definition at line 3390 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ decode_url()

std::string httplib::detail::decode_url ( const std::string &  s,
bool  convert_plus_to_space 

Definition at line 2739 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ divide() [1/2]

void httplib::detail::divide ( const char *  data,
std::size_t  size,
char  d,
std::function< void(const char *, std::size_t, const char *, std::size_t)>  fn 

Definition at line 2818 of file httplib.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ divide() [2/2]

void httplib::detail::divide ( const std::string &  str,
char  d,
std::function< void(const char *, std::size_t, const char *, std::size_t)>  fn 

Definition at line 2832 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ duration_to_sec_and_usec()

template<typename T , typename U >
void httplib::detail::duration_to_sec_and_usec ( const T &  duration,

Definition at line 2014 of file httplib.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ encode_query_param()

std::string httplib::detail::encode_query_param ( const std::string &  value)

Definition at line 2686 of file httplib.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ encode_url()

std::string httplib::detail::encode_url ( const std::string &  s)

Definition at line 2707 of file httplib.h.

◆ encoding_type()

EncodingType httplib::detail::encoding_type ( const Request req,
const Response res 

Definition at line 3879 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ escape_abstract_namespace_unix_domain()

std::string httplib::detail::escape_abstract_namespace_unix_domain ( const std::string &  s)

Definition at line 3370 of file httplib.h.

◆ expect_content()

bool httplib::detail::expect_content ( const Request req)

Definition at line 5297 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ file_extension()

std::string httplib::detail::file_extension ( const std::string &  path)

Definition at line 2785 of file httplib.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ find_content_type()

std::string httplib::detail::find_content_type ( const std::string &  path,
const std::map< std::string, std::string > &  user_data,
const std::string &  default_content_type 

Definition at line 3795 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ from_hex_to_i()

bool httplib::detail::from_hex_to_i ( const std::string &  s,
size_t  i,
size_t  cnt,
int &  val 

Definition at line 2540 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ from_i_to_hex()

std::string httplib::detail::from_i_to_hex ( size_t  n)

Definition at line 2557 of file httplib.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_header_value()

const char * httplib::detail::get_header_value ( const Headers headers,
const std::string &  key,
const char *  def,
size_t  id 

Definition at line 4111 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_header_value_u64()

uint64_t httplib::detail::get_header_value_u64 ( const Headers headers,
const std::string &  key,
uint64_t  def,
size_t  id 

Definition at line 2022 of file httplib.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_ip_and_port()

bool httplib::detail::get_ip_and_port ( const struct sockaddr_storage &  addr,
socklen_t  addr_len,
std::string &  ip,
int &  port 

Definition at line 3711 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_local_ip_and_port()

void httplib::detail::get_local_ip_and_port ( socket_t  sock,
std::string &  ip,
int &  port 

Definition at line 3733 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_multipart_ranges_data_length()

size_t httplib::detail::get_multipart_ranges_data_length ( const Request req,
const std::string &  boundary,
const std::string &  content_type,
size_t  content_length 

Definition at line 5263 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_range_offset_and_length()

std::pair< size_t, size_t > httplib::detail::get_range_offset_and_length ( Range  r,
size_t  content_length 

Definition at line 5187 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_remote_ip_and_port()

void httplib::detail::get_remote_ip_and_port ( socket_t  sock,
std::string &  ip,
int &  port 

Definition at line 3742 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ handle_EINTR()

template<typename T >
ssize_t httplib::detail::handle_EINTR ( fn)

Definition at line 3069 of file httplib.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ has_crlf()

bool httplib::detail::has_crlf ( const std::string &  s)

Definition at line 5306 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ has_header()

bool httplib::detail::has_header ( const Headers headers,
const std::string &  key 

Definition at line 4107 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ if2ip()

std::string httplib::detail::if2ip ( int  address_family,
const std::string &  ifn 

Definition at line 3589 of file httplib.h.

◆ is_chunked_transfer_encoding()

bool httplib::detail::is_chunked_transfer_encoding ( const Headers headers)

Definition at line 4323 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ is_connection_error()

bool httplib::detail::is_connection_error ( )

Definition at line 3552 of file httplib.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ is_hex()

bool httplib::detail::is_hex ( char  c,
int &  v 

Definition at line 2526 of file httplib.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ is_multipart_boundary_chars_valid()

bool httplib::detail::is_multipart_boundary_chars_valid ( const std::string &  boundary)

Definition at line 5074 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ is_socket_alive()

bool httplib::detail::is_socket_alive ( socket_t  sock)

Definition at line 3220 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ is_space_or_tab()

bool httplib::detail::is_space_or_tab ( char  c)

Definition at line 2792 of file httplib.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ is_valid_path()

bool httplib::detail::is_valid_path ( const std::string &  path)

Definition at line 2629 of file httplib.h.

◆ keep_alive()

bool httplib::detail::keep_alive ( const std::atomic< socket_t > &  svr_sock,
socket_t  sock,
time_t  keep_alive_timeout_sec 

Definition at line 3285 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ make_content_range_header_field()

std::string httplib::detail::make_content_range_header_field ( const std::pair< size_t, size_t > &  offset_and_length,
size_t  content_length 

Definition at line 5196 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ make_multipart_data_boundary()

std::string httplib::detail::make_multipart_data_boundary ( )

Definition at line 5070 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ make_multipart_ranges_data()

void httplib::detail::make_multipart_ranges_data ( const Request req,
Response res,
const std::string &  boundary,
const std::string &  content_type,
size_t  content_length,
std::string &  data 

Definition at line 5247 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ make_unique() [1/2]

template<class T , class... Args>
std::enable_if<!std::is_array< T >::value, std::unique_ptr< T > >::type httplib::detail::make_unique ( Args &&...  args)

Definition at line 335 of file httplib.h.

◆ make_unique() [2/2]

template<class T >
std::enable_if< std::is_array< T >::value, std::unique_ptr< T > >::type httplib::detail::make_unique ( std::size_t  n)

Definition at line 341 of file httplib.h.

◆ params_to_query_str()

std::string httplib::detail::params_to_query_str ( const Params params)

Definition at line 4678 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ parse_disposition_params()

void httplib::detail::parse_disposition_params ( const std::string &  s,
Params params 

Definition at line 4728 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ parse_header()

template<typename T >
bool httplib::detail::parse_header ( const char *  beg,
const char *  end,

Definition at line 4122 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ parse_multipart_boundary()

bool httplib::detail::parse_multipart_boundary ( const std::string &  content_type,
std::string &  boundary 

Definition at line 4717 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ parse_query_text() [1/2]

void httplib::detail::parse_query_text ( const char *  data,
std::size_t  size,
Params params 

Definition at line 4690 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ parse_query_text() [2/2]

void httplib::detail::parse_query_text ( const std::string &  s,
Params params 

Definition at line 4713 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ parse_range_header()

bool httplib::detail::parse_range_header ( const std::string &  s,
Ranges ranges 

Definition at line 4755 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ parse_www_authenticate()

bool httplib::detail::parse_www_authenticate ( const Response res,
std::map< std::string, std::string > &  auth,
bool  is_proxy 

Definition at line 5550 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ prepare_content_receiver()

template<typename T , typename U >
bool httplib::detail::prepare_content_receiver ( T &  x,
int &  status,
ContentReceiverWithProgress  receiver,
bool  decompress,

Definition at line 4329 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ process_client_socket()

bool httplib::detail::process_client_socket ( socket_t  sock,
time_t  read_timeout_sec,
time_t  read_timeout_usec,
time_t  write_timeout_sec,
time_t  write_timeout_usec,
std::function< bool(Stream &)>  callback 

Definition at line 3352 of file httplib.h.

◆ process_multipart_ranges_data()

template<typename SToken , typename CToken , typename Content >
bool httplib::detail::process_multipart_ranges_data ( const Request req,
const std::string &  boundary,
const std::string &  content_type,
size_t  content_length,
SToken  stoken,
CToken  ctoken,
Content  content 

Definition at line 5211 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ process_server_socket()

template<typename T >
bool httplib::detail::process_server_socket ( const std::atomic< socket_t > &  svr_sock,
socket_t  sock,
size_t  keep_alive_max_count,
time_t  keep_alive_timeout_sec,
time_t  read_timeout_sec,
time_t  read_timeout_usec,
time_t  write_timeout_sec,
time_t  write_timeout_usec,

Definition at line 3338 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ process_server_socket_core()

template<typename T >
bool httplib::detail::process_server_socket_core ( const std::atomic< socket_t > &  svr_sock,
socket_t  sock,
size_t  keep_alive_max_count,
time_t  keep_alive_timeout_sec,

Definition at line 3320 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ random_string()

std::string httplib::detail::random_string ( size_t  length)

Definition at line 5048 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ range_error()

bool httplib::detail::range_error ( Request req,
Response res 

Definition at line 5131 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ read_content()

template<typename T >
bool httplib::detail::read_content ( Stream strm,
T &  x,
size_t  payload_max_length,
int &  status,
Progress  progress,
ContentReceiverWithProgress  receiver,
bool  decompress 

Definition at line 4377 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ read_content_chunked()

template<typename T >
bool httplib::detail::read_content_chunked ( Stream strm,
T &  x,
ContentReceiverWithProgress  out 

Definition at line 4258 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ read_content_with_length()

bool httplib::detail::read_content_with_length ( Stream strm,
uint64_t  len,
Progress  progress,
ContentReceiverWithProgress  out 

Definition at line 4209 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ read_content_without_length()

bool httplib::detail::read_content_without_length ( Stream strm,
ContentReceiverWithProgress  out 

Definition at line 4242 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ read_file()

void httplib::detail::read_file ( const std::string &  path,
std::string &  out 

Definition at line 2776 of file httplib.h.

◆ read_headers()

bool httplib::detail::read_headers ( Stream strm,
Headers headers 

Definition at line 4170 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ read_socket()

ssize_t httplib::detail::read_socket ( socket_t  sock,
void *  ptr,
size_t  size,
int  flags 

Definition at line 3082 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ redirect()

template<typename T >
bool httplib::detail::redirect ( T &  cli,
Request req,
Response res,
const std::string &  path,
const std::string &  location,
Error error 

Definition at line 4652 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ select_read()

ssize_t httplib::detail::select_read ( socket_t  sock,
time_t  sec,
time_t  usec 

Definition at line 3107 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ select_write()

ssize_t httplib::detail::select_write ( socket_t  sock,
time_t  sec,
time_t  usec 

Definition at line 3135 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ send_socket()

ssize_t httplib::detail::send_socket ( socket_t  sock,
const void *  ptr,
size_t  size,
int  flags 

Definition at line 3094 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ serialize_multipart_formdata()

std::string httplib::detail::serialize_multipart_formdata ( const MultipartFormDataItems items,
const std::string &  boundary,
bool  finish = true 

Definition at line 5117 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ serialize_multipart_formdata_finish()

std::string httplib::detail::serialize_multipart_formdata_finish ( const std::string &  boundary)

Definition at line 5107 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ serialize_multipart_formdata_get_content_type()

std::string httplib::detail::serialize_multipart_formdata_get_content_type ( const std::string &  boundary)

Definition at line 5112 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ serialize_multipart_formdata_item_begin()

template<typename T >
std::string httplib::detail::serialize_multipart_formdata_item_begin ( const T &  item,
const std::string &  boundary 

Definition at line 5088 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ serialize_multipart_formdata_item_end()

std::string httplib::detail::serialize_multipart_formdata_item_end ( )

Definition at line 5104 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ set_nonblocking()

void httplib::detail::set_nonblocking ( socket_t  sock,
bool  nonblocking 

Definition at line 3541 of file httplib.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ shutdown_socket()

int httplib::detail::shutdown_socket ( socket_t  sock)

Definition at line 3362 of file httplib.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ skip_content_with_length()

void httplib::detail::skip_content_with_length ( Stream strm,
uint64_t  len 

Definition at line 4231 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ split() [1/2]

void httplib::detail::split ( const char *  b,
const char *  e,
char  d,
size_t  m,
std::function< void(const char *, const char *)>  fn 

Definition at line 2843 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ split() [2/2]

void httplib::detail::split ( const char *  b,
const char *  e,
char  d,
std::function< void(const char *, const char *)>  fn 

Definition at line 2838 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ str2tag()

unsigned int httplib::detail::str2tag ( const std::string &  s)

Definition at line 3782 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ str2tag_core()

constexpr unsigned int httplib::detail::str2tag_core ( const char *  s,
size_t  l,
unsigned int  h 

Definition at line 3770 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ to_utf8()

size_t httplib::detail::to_utf8 ( int  code,
char *  buff 

Definition at line 2567 of file httplib.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ trim()

std::pair< size_t, size_t > httplib::detail::trim ( const char *  b,
const char *  e,
size_t  left,
size_t  right 

Definition at line 2794 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ trim_copy()

std::string httplib::detail::trim_copy ( const std::string &  s)

Definition at line 2805 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ trim_double_quotes_copy()

std::string httplib::detail::trim_double_quotes_copy ( const std::string &  s)

Definition at line 2810 of file httplib.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ unescape_abstract_namespace_unix_domain()

std::string httplib::detail::unescape_abstract_namespace_unix_domain ( const std::string &  s)

Definition at line 3380 of file httplib.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ wait_until_socket_is_ready()

Error httplib::detail::wait_until_socket_is_ready ( socket_t  sock,
time_t  sec,
time_t  usec 

Definition at line 3163 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ write_content() [1/2]

template<typename T >
bool httplib::detail::write_content ( Stream strm,
const ContentProvider content_provider,
size_t  offset,
size_t  length,
const T &  is_shutting_down 

Definition at line 4495 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ write_content() [2/2]

template<typename T >
bool httplib::detail::write_content ( Stream strm,
const ContentProvider content_provider,
size_t  offset,
size_t  length,
Error error 

Definition at line 4457 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ write_content_chunked() [1/2]

template<typename T , typename U >
bool httplib::detail::write_content_chunked ( Stream strm,
const ContentProvider content_provider,
const T &  is_shutting_down,
U &  compressor 

Definition at line 4643 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ write_content_chunked() [2/2]

template<typename T , typename U >
bool httplib::detail::write_content_chunked ( Stream strm,
const ContentProvider content_provider,
const T &  is_shutting_down,
U &  compressor,
Error error 

Definition at line 4539 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ write_content_without_length()

template<typename T >
bool httplib::detail::write_content_without_length ( Stream strm,
const ContentProvider content_provider,
const T &  is_shutting_down 

Definition at line 4505 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ write_data()

bool httplib::detail::write_data ( Stream strm,
const char *  d,
size_t  l 

Definition at line 4446 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ write_headers()

ssize_t httplib::detail::write_headers ( Stream strm,
const Headers headers 

Definition at line 4427 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ write_multipart_ranges_data()

template<typename T >
bool httplib::detail::write_multipart_ranges_data ( Stream strm,
const Request req,
Response res,
const std::string &  boundary,
const std::string &  content_type,
size_t  content_length,
const T &  is_shutting_down 

Definition at line 5283 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ write_request_line()

ssize_t httplib::detail::write_request_line ( Stream strm,
const std::string &  method,
const std::string &  path 

Definition at line 4409 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ write_response_line()

ssize_t httplib::detail::write_response_line ( Stream strm,
int  status 

Definition at line 4418 of file httplib.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function: