Project Alice
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ZSTD_CCtx_s Struct Reference

#include <zstd_compress_internal.h>

Collaboration diagram for ZSTD_CCtx_s:

Public Attributes

ZSTD_compressionStage_e stage
int cParamsChanged
int bmi2
ZSTD_CCtx_params requestedParams
ZSTD_CCtx_params appliedParams
ZSTD_CCtx_params simpleApiParams
U32 dictID
size_t dictContentSize
ZSTD_cwksp workspace
size_t blockSize
unsigned long long pledgedSrcSizePlusOne
unsigned long long consumedSrcSize
unsigned long long producedCSize
XXH64_state_t xxhState
ZSTD_customMem customMem
ZSTD_threadPool * pool
size_t staticSize
SeqCollector seqCollector
int isFirstBlock
int initialized
seqStore_t seqStore
ldmState_t ldmState
size_t maxNbLdmSequences
rawSeqStore_t externSeqStore
ZSTD_blockState_t blockState
ZSTD_buffered_policy_e bufferedPolicy
char * inBuff
size_t inBuffSize
size_t inToCompress
size_t inBuffPos
size_t inBuffTarget
char * outBuff
size_t outBuffSize
size_t outBuffContentSize
size_t outBuffFlushedSize
ZSTD_cStreamStage streamStage
U32 frameEnded
ZSTD_inBuffer expectedInBuffer
size_t stableIn_notConsumed
size_t expectedOutBufferSize
ZSTD_localDict localDict
const ZSTD_CDictcdict
ZSTD_prefixDict prefixDict
ZSTD_blockSplitCtx blockSplitCtx
ZSTD_Sequence * extSeqBuf
size_t extSeqBufCapacity

Detailed Description

Definition at line 400 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ appliedParams

ZSTD_CCtx_params ZSTD_CCtx_s::appliedParams

Definition at line 405 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ blockSize

size_t ZSTD_CCtx_s::blockSize

Definition at line 411 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ blockSplitCtx

ZSTD_blockSplitCtx ZSTD_CCtx_s::blockSplitCtx

Definition at line 468 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ blockState

ZSTD_blockState_t ZSTD_CCtx_s::blockState

Definition at line 428 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ bmi2

int ZSTD_CCtx_s::bmi2

Definition at line 403 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ bufferedPolicy

ZSTD_buffered_policy_e ZSTD_CCtx_s::bufferedPolicy

Definition at line 432 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ cdict

const ZSTD_CDict* ZSTD_CCtx_s::cdict

Definition at line 454 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ consumedSrcSize

unsigned long long ZSTD_CCtx_s::consumedSrcSize

Definition at line 413 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ cParamsChanged

int ZSTD_CCtx_s::cParamsChanged

Definition at line 402 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ customMem

ZSTD_customMem ZSTD_CCtx_s::customMem

Definition at line 416 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ dictContentSize

size_t ZSTD_CCtx_s::dictContentSize

Definition at line 408 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ dictID

U32 ZSTD_CCtx_s::dictID

Definition at line 407 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ entropyWorkspace

U32* ZSTD_CCtx_s::entropyWorkspace

Definition at line 429 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ expectedInBuffer

ZSTD_inBuffer ZSTD_CCtx_s::expectedInBuffer

Definition at line 448 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ expectedOutBufferSize

size_t ZSTD_CCtx_s::expectedOutBufferSize

Definition at line 450 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ externSeqStore

rawSeqStore_t ZSTD_CCtx_s::externSeqStore

Definition at line 427 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ extSeqBuf

ZSTD_Sequence* ZSTD_CCtx_s::extSeqBuf

Definition at line 471 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ extSeqBufCapacity

size_t ZSTD_CCtx_s::extSeqBufCapacity

Definition at line 472 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ frameEnded

U32 ZSTD_CCtx_s::frameEnded

Definition at line 445 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ inBuff

char* ZSTD_CCtx_s::inBuff

Definition at line 435 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ inBuffPos

size_t ZSTD_CCtx_s::inBuffPos

Definition at line 438 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ inBuffSize

size_t ZSTD_CCtx_s::inBuffSize

Definition at line 436 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ inBuffTarget

size_t ZSTD_CCtx_s::inBuffTarget

Definition at line 439 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ initialized

int ZSTD_CCtx_s::initialized

Definition at line 421 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ inToCompress

size_t ZSTD_CCtx_s::inToCompress

Definition at line 437 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ isFirstBlock

int ZSTD_CCtx_s::isFirstBlock

Definition at line 420 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ ldmSequences

rawSeq* ZSTD_CCtx_s::ldmSequences

Definition at line 425 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ ldmState

ldmState_t ZSTD_CCtx_s::ldmState

Definition at line 424 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ localDict

ZSTD_localDict ZSTD_CCtx_s::localDict

Definition at line 453 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ maxNbLdmSequences

size_t ZSTD_CCtx_s::maxNbLdmSequences

Definition at line 426 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ outBuff

char* ZSTD_CCtx_s::outBuff

Definition at line 440 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ outBuffContentSize

size_t ZSTD_CCtx_s::outBuffContentSize

Definition at line 442 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ outBuffFlushedSize

size_t ZSTD_CCtx_s::outBuffFlushedSize

Definition at line 443 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ outBuffSize

size_t ZSTD_CCtx_s::outBuffSize

Definition at line 441 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ pledgedSrcSizePlusOne

unsigned long long ZSTD_CCtx_s::pledgedSrcSizePlusOne

Definition at line 412 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ pool

ZSTD_threadPool* ZSTD_CCtx_s::pool

Definition at line 417 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ prefixDict

ZSTD_prefixDict ZSTD_CCtx_s::prefixDict

Definition at line 455 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ producedCSize

unsigned long long ZSTD_CCtx_s::producedCSize

Definition at line 414 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ requestedParams

ZSTD_CCtx_params ZSTD_CCtx_s::requestedParams

Definition at line 404 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ seqCollector

SeqCollector ZSTD_CCtx_s::seqCollector

Definition at line 419 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ seqStore

seqStore_t ZSTD_CCtx_s::seqStore

Definition at line 423 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ simpleApiParams

ZSTD_CCtx_params ZSTD_CCtx_s::simpleApiParams

Definition at line 406 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ stableIn_notConsumed

size_t ZSTD_CCtx_s::stableIn_notConsumed

Definition at line 449 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ stage

ZSTD_compressionStage_e ZSTD_CCtx_s::stage

Definition at line 401 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ staticSize

size_t ZSTD_CCtx_s::staticSize

Definition at line 418 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ streamStage

ZSTD_cStreamStage ZSTD_CCtx_s::streamStage

Definition at line 444 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ workspace

ZSTD_cwksp ZSTD_CCtx_s::workspace

Definition at line 410 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

◆ xxhState

XXH64_state_t ZSTD_CCtx_s::xxhState

Definition at line 415 of file zstd_compress_internal.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: