Project Alice
No Matches
map::display_data Class Reference

#include <map.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 display_data ()
 ~display_data ()
void load_map_data (parsers::scenario_building_context &context)
void load_map (sys::state &state)
void render (sys::state &state, glm::vec2 screen_size, glm::vec2 offset, float zoom, map_view map_view_mode, map_mode::mode active_map_mode, glm::mat3 globe_rotation, float time_counter)
void update_borders (sys::state &state)
void update_fog_of_war (sys::state &state)
void set_selected_province (sys::state &state, dcon::province_id province_id)
void set_province_color (std::vector< uint32_t > const &prov_color)
void set_drag_box (bool draw_box, glm::vec2 pos1, glm::vec2 pos2, glm::vec2 pixel_size)
void update_railroad_paths (sys::state &state)
void set_text_lines (sys::state &state, std::vector< text_line_generator_data > const &data)
void set_province_text_lines (sys::state &state, std::vector< text_line_generator_data > const &data)
void load_border_data (parsers::scenario_building_context &context)
void create_border_ogl_objects ()
void load_province_data (parsers::scenario_building_context &context, ogl::image &image)
void load_provinces_mid_point (parsers::scenario_building_context &context)
void load_terrain_data (parsers::scenario_building_context &context)
void load_median_terrain_type (parsers::scenario_building_context &context)
uint16_t safe_get_province (glm::ivec2 pt)
void make_coastal_borders (sys::state &state, std::vector< bool > &visited)
void make_borders (sys::state &state, std::vector< bool > &visited)
void load_shaders (simple_fs::directory &root)
void create_meshes ()
void gen_prov_color_texture (GLuint texture_handle, std::vector< uint32_t > const &prov_color, uint8_t layers=1)
void create_curved_river_vertices (parsers::scenario_building_context &context, std::vector< uint8_t > const &river_data, std::vector< uint8_t > const &terrain_data)

Public Attributes

std::vector< borderborders
std::vector< textured_line_vertex_bborder_vertices
std::vector< textured_line_with_width_vertexriver_vertices
std::vector< GLint > river_starts
std::vector< GLsizei > river_counts
std::vector< textured_line_vertexrailroad_vertices
std::vector< GLint > railroad_starts
std::vector< GLsizei > railroad_counts
std::vector< textured_line_vertex_bcoastal_vertices
std::vector< GLint > coastal_starts
std::vector< GLsizei > coastal_counts
std::vector< GLint > static_mesh_starts
std::vector< GLsizei > static_mesh_counts
std::vector< curved_line_vertexunit_arrow_vertices
std::vector< GLint > unit_arrow_starts
std::vector< GLsizei > unit_arrow_counts
std::vector< curved_line_vertexattack_unit_arrow_vertices
std::vector< GLint > attack_unit_arrow_starts
std::vector< GLsizei > attack_unit_arrow_counts
std::vector< curved_line_vertexretreat_unit_arrow_vertices
std::vector< GLint > retreat_unit_arrow_starts
std::vector< GLsizei > retreat_unit_arrow_counts
std::vector< curved_line_vertexstrategy_unit_arrow_vertices
std::vector< GLint > strategy_unit_arrow_starts
std::vector< GLsizei > strategy_unit_arrow_counts
std::vector< curved_line_vertexobjective_unit_arrow_vertices
std::vector< GLint > objective_unit_arrow_starts
std::vector< GLsizei > objective_unit_arrow_counts
std::vector< curved_line_vertexother_objective_unit_arrow_vertices
std::vector< GLint > other_objective_unit_arrow_starts
std::vector< GLsizei > other_objective_unit_arrow_counts
std::vector< GLuint > text_line_texture_per_quad
std::vector< text_line_vertextext_line_vertices
std::vector< text_line_vertexprovince_text_line_vertices
std::vector< screen_vertexdrag_box_vertices
std::vector< uint8_tterrain_id_map
std::vector< uint8_tmedian_terrain_type
std::vector< uint32_tprovince_area
std::vector< uint8_tdiagonal_borders
std::vector< uint16_t > province_id_map
std::vector< uint16_t > map_indices
std::vector< uint32_tprovince_id_sea_mask
uint32_t size_x
uint32_t size_y
uint32_t land_vertex_count = 0
GLuint vao_array [vo_count] = { 0 }
GLuint vbo_array [vo_count] = { 0 }
GLuint textures [texture_count] = { 0 }
GLuint texture_arrays [texture_array_count] = { 0 }
GLuint shaders [shader_count] = { 0 }
GLuint shader_uniforms [shader_count][uniform_count] = { }
GLuint static_mesh_textures [max_static_meshes] = { 0 }

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr uint32_t vo_land = 0
static constexpr uint32_t vo_border = 1
static constexpr uint32_t vo_river = 2
static constexpr uint32_t vo_unit_arrow = 3
static constexpr uint32_t vo_text_line = 4
static constexpr uint32_t vo_drag_box = 5
static constexpr uint32_t vo_coastal = 6
static constexpr uint32_t vo_railroad = 7
static constexpr uint32_t vo_static_mesh = 8
static constexpr uint32_t vo_province_text_line = 9
static constexpr uint32_t vo_attack_unit_arrow = 10
static constexpr uint32_t vo_retreat_unit_arrow = 11
static constexpr uint32_t vo_strategy_unit_arrow = 12
static constexpr uint32_t vo_objective_unit_arrow = 13
static constexpr uint32_t vo_other_objective_unit_arrow = 14
static constexpr uint32_t vo_count = 15
static constexpr uint32_t texture_provinces = 0
static constexpr uint32_t texture_terrain = 1
static constexpr uint32_t texture_water_normal = 2
static constexpr uint32_t texture_colormap_water = 3
static constexpr uint32_t texture_colormap_terrain = 4
static constexpr uint32_t texture_colormap_political = 5
static constexpr uint32_t texture_overlay = 6
static constexpr uint32_t texture_province_highlight = 7
static constexpr uint32_t texture_stripes = 8
static constexpr uint32_t texture_river_body = 9
static constexpr uint32_t texture_national_border = 10
static constexpr uint32_t texture_state_border = 11
static constexpr uint32_t texture_prov_border = 12
static constexpr uint32_t texture_imp_border = 13
static constexpr uint32_t texture_unit_arrow = 14
static constexpr uint32_t texture_province_fow = 15
static constexpr uint32_t texture_coastal_border = 16
static constexpr uint32_t texture_diag_border_identifier = 17
static constexpr uint32_t texture_railroad = 18
static constexpr uint32_t texture_attack_unit_arrow = 19
static constexpr uint32_t texture_retreat_unit_arrow = 20
static constexpr uint32_t texture_strategy_unit_arrow = 21
static constexpr uint32_t texture_objective_unit_arrow = 22
static constexpr uint32_t texture_other_objective_unit_arrow = 23
static constexpr uint32_t texture_hover_border = 24
static constexpr uint32_t texture_sea_mask = 25
static constexpr uint32_t texture_count = 26
static constexpr uint32_t texture_array_terrainsheet = 0
static constexpr uint32_t texture_array_province_color = 1
static constexpr uint32_t texture_array_count = 2
static constexpr uint32_t shader_terrain = 0
static constexpr uint32_t shader_line_border = 1
static constexpr uint32_t shader_textured_line = 2
static constexpr uint32_t shader_line_unit_arrow = 3
static constexpr uint32_t shader_text_line = 4
static constexpr uint32_t shader_drag_box = 5
static constexpr uint32_t shader_borders = 6
static constexpr uint32_t shader_railroad_line = 7
static constexpr uint32_t shader_map_standing_object = 8
static constexpr uint32_t shader_textured_line_with_variable_width = 9
static constexpr uint32_t shader_count = 10
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_offset = 0
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_aspect_ratio = 1
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_zoom = 2
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_map_size = 3
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_rotation = 4
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_gamma = 5
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_subroutines_index = 6
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_time = 7
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_provinces_texture_sampler = 8
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_terrain_texture_sampler = 9
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_terrainsheet_texture_sampler = 10
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_water_normal = 11
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_colormap_water = 12
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_colormap_terrain = 13
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_overlay = 14
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_province_color = 15
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_colormap_political = 16
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_province_highlight = 17
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_stripes_texture = 18
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_province_fow = 19
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_diag_border_identifier = 20
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_width = 21
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_subroutines_index_2 = 22
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_line_texture = 23
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_texture_sampler = 24
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_opaque = 25
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_is_black = 26
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_border_width = 27
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_unit_arrow = 28
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_model_offset = 29
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_target_facing = 30
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_target_topview_fixup = 31
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_provinces_sea_mask = 32
static constexpr uint32_t uniform_count = 33
static constexpr uint32_t max_static_meshes = 42

Detailed Description

Definition at line 93 of file map.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ display_data()

map::display_data::display_data ( )

Definition at line 95 of file map.hpp.

◆ ~display_data()

map::display_data::~display_data ( )

Definition at line 338 of file map.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ create_border_ogl_objects()

void map::display_data::create_border_ogl_objects ( )

Definition at line 258 of file map.cpp.

◆ create_curved_river_vertices()

void map::display_data::create_curved_river_vertices ( parsers::scenario_building_context context,
std::vector< uint8_t > const &  river_data,
std::vector< uint8_t > const &  terrain_data 

Definition at line 1039 of file map_borders.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ create_meshes()

void map::display_data::create_meshes ( )

Definition at line 262 of file map.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gen_prov_color_texture()

void map::display_data::gen_prov_color_texture ( GLuint  texture_handle,
std::vector< uint32_t > const &  prov_color,
uint8_t  layers = 1 

Definition at line 1216 of file map.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ load_border_data()

void map::display_data::load_border_data ( parsers::scenario_building_context context)

Definition at line 118 of file map_borders.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ load_map()

void map::display_data::load_map ( sys::state state)

Definition at line 2406 of file map.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ load_map_data()

void map::display_data::load_map_data ( parsers::scenario_building_context context)

Definition at line 568 of file map_data_loading.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ load_median_terrain_type()

void map::display_data::load_median_terrain_type ( parsers::scenario_building_context context)

Definition at line 470 of file map_data_loading.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ load_province_data()

void map::display_data::load_province_data ( parsers::scenario_building_context context,
ogl::image image 

Definition at line 524 of file map_data_loading.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ load_provinces_mid_point()

void map::display_data::load_provinces_mid_point ( parsers::scenario_building_context context)

Definition at line 497 of file map_data_loading.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ load_shaders()

void map::display_data::load_shaders ( simple_fs::directory root)

Definition at line 375 of file map.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ load_terrain_data()

void map::display_data::load_terrain_data ( parsers::scenario_building_context context)

Definition at line 359 of file map_data_loading.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ make_borders()

void map::display_data::make_borders ( sys::state state,
std::vector< bool > &  visited 

Definition at line 489 of file map_borders.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ make_coastal_borders()

void map::display_data::make_coastal_borders ( sys::state state,
std::vector< bool > &  visited 

Definition at line 735 of file map_borders.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render()

void map::display_data::render ( sys::state state,
glm::vec2  screen_size,
glm::vec2  offset,
float  zoom,
map_view  map_view_mode,
map_mode::mode  active_map_mode,
glm::mat3  globe_rotation,
float  time_counter 

Definition at line 449 of file map.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ safe_get_province()

uint16_t map::display_data::safe_get_province ( glm::ivec2  pt)

Definition at line 253 of file map_borders.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ set_drag_box()

void map::display_data::set_drag_box ( bool  draw_box,
glm::vec2  pos1,
glm::vec2  pos2,
glm::vec2  pixel_size 

Definition at line 1282 of file map.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ set_province_color()

void map::display_data::set_province_color ( std::vector< uint32_t > const &  prov_color)

Definition at line 1259 of file map.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ set_province_text_lines()

void map::display_data::set_province_text_lines ( sys::state state,
std::vector< text_line_generator_data > const &  data 

Definition at line 2006 of file map.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ set_selected_province()

void map::display_data::set_selected_province ( sys::state state,
dcon::province_id  province_id 

Definition at line 1253 of file map.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ set_text_lines()

void map::display_data::set_text_lines ( sys::state state,
std::vector< text_line_generator_data > const &  data 

Definition at line 1817 of file map.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ update_borders()

void map::display_data::update_borders ( sys::state state)

Definition at line 59 of file map.cpp.

◆ update_fog_of_war()

void map::display_data::update_fog_of_war ( sys::state state)

Definition at line 72 of file map.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ update_railroad_paths()

void map::display_data::update_railroad_paths ( sys::state state)

Definition at line 1707 of file map.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ attack_unit_arrow_counts

std::vector<GLsizei> map::display_data::attack_unit_arrow_counts

Definition at line 134 of file map.hpp.

◆ attack_unit_arrow_starts

std::vector<GLint> map::display_data::attack_unit_arrow_starts

Definition at line 133 of file map.hpp.

◆ attack_unit_arrow_vertices

std::vector<curved_line_vertex> map::display_data::attack_unit_arrow_vertices

Definition at line 132 of file map.hpp.

◆ border_vertices

std::vector<textured_line_vertex_b> map::display_data::border_vertices

Definition at line 115 of file map.hpp.

◆ borders

std::vector<border> map::display_data::borders

Definition at line 114 of file map.hpp.

◆ coastal_counts

std::vector<GLsizei> map::display_data::coastal_counts

Definition at line 124 of file map.hpp.

◆ coastal_starts

std::vector<GLint> map::display_data::coastal_starts

Definition at line 123 of file map.hpp.

◆ coastal_vertices

std::vector<textured_line_vertex_b> map::display_data::coastal_vertices

Definition at line 122 of file map.hpp.

◆ diagonal_borders

std::vector<uint8_t> map::display_data::diagonal_borders

Definition at line 159 of file map.hpp.

◆ drag_box_vertices

std::vector<screen_vertex> map::display_data::drag_box_vertices

Definition at line 155 of file map.hpp.

◆ land_vertex_count

uint32_t map::display_data::land_vertex_count = 0

Definition at line 170 of file map.hpp.

◆ map_indices

std::vector<uint16_t> map::display_data::map_indices

Definition at line 163 of file map.hpp.

◆ max_static_meshes

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::max_static_meshes = 42

Definition at line 277 of file map.hpp.

◆ median_terrain_type

std::vector<uint8_t> map::display_data::median_terrain_type

Definition at line 157 of file map.hpp.

◆ objective_unit_arrow_counts

std::vector<GLsizei> map::display_data::objective_unit_arrow_counts

Definition at line 146 of file map.hpp.

◆ objective_unit_arrow_starts

std::vector<GLint> map::display_data::objective_unit_arrow_starts

Definition at line 145 of file map.hpp.

◆ objective_unit_arrow_vertices

std::vector<curved_line_vertex> map::display_data::objective_unit_arrow_vertices

Definition at line 144 of file map.hpp.

◆ other_objective_unit_arrow_counts

std::vector<GLsizei> map::display_data::other_objective_unit_arrow_counts

Definition at line 150 of file map.hpp.

◆ other_objective_unit_arrow_starts

std::vector<GLint> map::display_data::other_objective_unit_arrow_starts

Definition at line 149 of file map.hpp.

◆ other_objective_unit_arrow_vertices

std::vector<curved_line_vertex> map::display_data::other_objective_unit_arrow_vertices

Definition at line 148 of file map.hpp.

◆ province_area

std::vector<uint32_t> map::display_data::province_area

Definition at line 158 of file map.hpp.

◆ province_id_map

std::vector<uint16_t> map::display_data::province_id_map

Definition at line 162 of file map.hpp.

◆ province_id_sea_mask

std::vector<uint32_t> map::display_data::province_id_sea_mask

Definition at line 166 of file map.hpp.

◆ province_text_line_vertices

std::vector<text_line_vertex> map::display_data::province_text_line_vertices

Definition at line 154 of file map.hpp.

◆ railroad_counts

std::vector<GLsizei> map::display_data::railroad_counts

Definition at line 121 of file map.hpp.

◆ railroad_starts

std::vector<GLint> map::display_data::railroad_starts

Definition at line 120 of file map.hpp.

◆ railroad_vertices

std::vector<textured_line_vertex> map::display_data::railroad_vertices

Definition at line 119 of file map.hpp.

◆ retreat_unit_arrow_counts

std::vector<GLsizei> map::display_data::retreat_unit_arrow_counts

Definition at line 138 of file map.hpp.

◆ retreat_unit_arrow_starts

std::vector<GLint> map::display_data::retreat_unit_arrow_starts

Definition at line 137 of file map.hpp.

◆ retreat_unit_arrow_vertices

std::vector<curved_line_vertex> map::display_data::retreat_unit_arrow_vertices

Definition at line 136 of file map.hpp.

◆ river_counts

std::vector<GLsizei> map::display_data::river_counts

Definition at line 118 of file map.hpp.

◆ river_starts

std::vector<GLint> map::display_data::river_starts

Definition at line 117 of file map.hpp.

◆ river_vertices

std::vector<textured_line_with_width_vertex> map::display_data::river_vertices

Definition at line 116 of file map.hpp.

◆ shader_borders

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::shader_borders = 6

Definition at line 232 of file map.hpp.

◆ shader_count

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::shader_count = 10

Definition at line 236 of file map.hpp.

◆ shader_drag_box

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::shader_drag_box = 5

Definition at line 231 of file map.hpp.

◆ shader_line_border

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::shader_line_border = 1

Definition at line 227 of file map.hpp.

◆ shader_line_unit_arrow

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::shader_line_unit_arrow = 3

Definition at line 229 of file map.hpp.

◆ shader_map_standing_object

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::shader_map_standing_object = 8

Definition at line 234 of file map.hpp.

◆ shader_railroad_line

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::shader_railroad_line = 7

Definition at line 233 of file map.hpp.

◆ shader_terrain

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::shader_terrain = 0

Definition at line 226 of file map.hpp.

◆ shader_text_line

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::shader_text_line = 4

Definition at line 230 of file map.hpp.

◆ shader_textured_line

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::shader_textured_line = 2

Definition at line 228 of file map.hpp.

◆ shader_textured_line_with_variable_width

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::shader_textured_line_with_variable_width = 9

Definition at line 235 of file map.hpp.

◆ shader_uniforms

GLuint map::display_data::shader_uniforms[shader_count][uniform_count] = { }

Definition at line 274 of file map.hpp.

◆ shaders

GLuint map::display_data::shaders[shader_count] = { 0 }

Definition at line 237 of file map.hpp.

◆ size_x

uint32_t map::display_data::size_x

Definition at line 168 of file map.hpp.

◆ size_y

uint32_t map::display_data::size_y

Definition at line 169 of file map.hpp.

◆ static_mesh_counts

std::vector<GLsizei> map::display_data::static_mesh_counts

Definition at line 126 of file map.hpp.

◆ static_mesh_starts

std::vector<GLint> map::display_data::static_mesh_starts

Definition at line 125 of file map.hpp.

◆ static_mesh_textures

GLuint map::display_data::static_mesh_textures[max_static_meshes] = { 0 }

Definition at line 278 of file map.hpp.

◆ strategy_unit_arrow_counts

std::vector<GLsizei> map::display_data::strategy_unit_arrow_counts

Definition at line 142 of file map.hpp.

◆ strategy_unit_arrow_starts

std::vector<GLint> map::display_data::strategy_unit_arrow_starts

Definition at line 141 of file map.hpp.

◆ strategy_unit_arrow_vertices

std::vector<curved_line_vertex> map::display_data::strategy_unit_arrow_vertices

Definition at line 140 of file map.hpp.

◆ terrain_id_map

std::vector<uint8_t> map::display_data::terrain_id_map

Definition at line 156 of file map.hpp.

◆ text_line_texture_per_quad

std::vector<GLuint> map::display_data::text_line_texture_per_quad

Definition at line 152 of file map.hpp.

◆ text_line_vertices

std::vector<text_line_vertex> map::display_data::text_line_vertices

Definition at line 153 of file map.hpp.

◆ texture_array_count

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::texture_array_count = 2

Definition at line 223 of file map.hpp.

◆ texture_array_province_color

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::texture_array_province_color = 1

Definition at line 222 of file map.hpp.

◆ texture_array_terrainsheet

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::texture_array_terrainsheet = 0

Definition at line 221 of file map.hpp.

◆ texture_arrays

GLuint map::display_data::texture_arrays[texture_array_count] = { 0 }

Definition at line 224 of file map.hpp.

◆ texture_attack_unit_arrow

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::texture_attack_unit_arrow = 19

Definition at line 211 of file map.hpp.

◆ texture_coastal_border

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::texture_coastal_border = 16

Definition at line 208 of file map.hpp.

◆ texture_colormap_political

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::texture_colormap_political = 5

Definition at line 197 of file map.hpp.

◆ texture_colormap_terrain

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::texture_colormap_terrain = 4

Definition at line 196 of file map.hpp.

◆ texture_colormap_water

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::texture_colormap_water = 3

Definition at line 195 of file map.hpp.

◆ texture_count

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::texture_count = 26

Definition at line 218 of file map.hpp.

◆ texture_diag_border_identifier

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::texture_diag_border_identifier = 17

Definition at line 209 of file map.hpp.

◆ texture_hover_border

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::texture_hover_border = 24

Definition at line 216 of file map.hpp.

◆ texture_imp_border

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::texture_imp_border = 13

Definition at line 205 of file map.hpp.

◆ texture_national_border

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::texture_national_border = 10

Definition at line 202 of file map.hpp.

◆ texture_objective_unit_arrow

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::texture_objective_unit_arrow = 22

Definition at line 214 of file map.hpp.

◆ texture_other_objective_unit_arrow

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::texture_other_objective_unit_arrow = 23

Definition at line 215 of file map.hpp.

◆ texture_overlay

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::texture_overlay = 6

Definition at line 198 of file map.hpp.

◆ texture_prov_border

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::texture_prov_border = 12

Definition at line 204 of file map.hpp.

◆ texture_province_fow

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::texture_province_fow = 15

Definition at line 207 of file map.hpp.

◆ texture_province_highlight

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::texture_province_highlight = 7

Definition at line 199 of file map.hpp.

◆ texture_provinces

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::texture_provinces = 0

Definition at line 192 of file map.hpp.

◆ texture_railroad

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::texture_railroad = 18

Definition at line 210 of file map.hpp.

◆ texture_retreat_unit_arrow

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::texture_retreat_unit_arrow = 20

Definition at line 212 of file map.hpp.

◆ texture_river_body

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::texture_river_body = 9

Definition at line 201 of file map.hpp.

◆ texture_sea_mask

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::texture_sea_mask = 25

Definition at line 217 of file map.hpp.

◆ texture_state_border

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::texture_state_border = 11

Definition at line 203 of file map.hpp.

◆ texture_strategy_unit_arrow

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::texture_strategy_unit_arrow = 21

Definition at line 213 of file map.hpp.

◆ texture_stripes

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::texture_stripes = 8

Definition at line 200 of file map.hpp.

◆ texture_terrain

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::texture_terrain = 1

Definition at line 193 of file map.hpp.

◆ texture_unit_arrow

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::texture_unit_arrow = 14

Definition at line 206 of file map.hpp.

◆ texture_water_normal

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::texture_water_normal = 2

Definition at line 194 of file map.hpp.

◆ textures

GLuint map::display_data::textures[texture_count] = { 0 }

Definition at line 219 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_aspect_ratio

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_aspect_ratio = 1

Definition at line 240 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_border_width

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_border_width = 27

Definition at line 267 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_colormap_political

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_colormap_political = 16

Definition at line 256 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_colormap_terrain

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_colormap_terrain = 13

Definition at line 253 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_colormap_water

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_colormap_water = 12

Definition at line 252 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_count

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_count = 33

Definition at line 273 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_diag_border_identifier

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_diag_border_identifier = 20

Definition at line 260 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_gamma

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_gamma = 5

Definition at line 244 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_is_black

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_is_black = 26

Definition at line 266 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_line_texture

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_line_texture = 23

Definition at line 263 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_map_size

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_map_size = 3

Definition at line 242 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_model_offset

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_model_offset = 29

Definition at line 269 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_offset

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_offset = 0

Definition at line 239 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_opaque

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_opaque = 25

Definition at line 265 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_overlay

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_overlay = 14

Definition at line 254 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_province_color

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_province_color = 15

Definition at line 255 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_province_fow

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_province_fow = 19

Definition at line 259 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_province_highlight

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_province_highlight = 17

Definition at line 257 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_provinces_sea_mask

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_provinces_sea_mask = 32

Definition at line 272 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_provinces_texture_sampler

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_provinces_texture_sampler = 8

Definition at line 248 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_rotation

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_rotation = 4

Definition at line 243 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_stripes_texture

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_stripes_texture = 18

Definition at line 258 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_subroutines_index

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_subroutines_index = 6

Definition at line 245 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_subroutines_index_2

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_subroutines_index_2 = 22

Definition at line 262 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_target_facing

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_target_facing = 30

Definition at line 270 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_target_topview_fixup

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_target_topview_fixup = 31

Definition at line 271 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_terrain_texture_sampler

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_terrain_texture_sampler = 9

Definition at line 249 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_terrainsheet_texture_sampler

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_terrainsheet_texture_sampler = 10

Definition at line 250 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_texture_sampler

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_texture_sampler = 24

Definition at line 264 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_time

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_time = 7

Definition at line 246 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_unit_arrow

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_unit_arrow = 28

Definition at line 268 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_water_normal

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_water_normal = 11

Definition at line 251 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_width

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_width = 21

Definition at line 261 of file map.hpp.

◆ uniform_zoom

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::uniform_zoom = 2

Definition at line 241 of file map.hpp.

◆ unit_arrow_counts

std::vector<GLsizei> map::display_data::unit_arrow_counts

Definition at line 130 of file map.hpp.

◆ unit_arrow_starts

std::vector<GLint> map::display_data::unit_arrow_starts

Definition at line 129 of file map.hpp.

◆ unit_arrow_vertices

std::vector<curved_line_vertex> map::display_data::unit_arrow_vertices

Definition at line 128 of file map.hpp.

◆ vao_array

GLuint map::display_data::vao_array[vo_count] = { 0 }

Definition at line 189 of file map.hpp.

◆ vbo_array

GLuint map::display_data::vbo_array[vo_count] = { 0 }

Definition at line 190 of file map.hpp.

◆ vo_attack_unit_arrow

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::vo_attack_unit_arrow = 10

Definition at line 183 of file map.hpp.

◆ vo_border

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::vo_border = 1

Definition at line 174 of file map.hpp.

◆ vo_coastal

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::vo_coastal = 6

Definition at line 179 of file map.hpp.

◆ vo_count

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::vo_count = 15

Definition at line 188 of file map.hpp.

◆ vo_drag_box

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::vo_drag_box = 5

Definition at line 178 of file map.hpp.

◆ vo_land

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::vo_land = 0

Definition at line 173 of file map.hpp.

◆ vo_objective_unit_arrow

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::vo_objective_unit_arrow = 13

Definition at line 186 of file map.hpp.

◆ vo_other_objective_unit_arrow

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::vo_other_objective_unit_arrow = 14

Definition at line 187 of file map.hpp.

◆ vo_province_text_line

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::vo_province_text_line = 9

Definition at line 182 of file map.hpp.

◆ vo_railroad

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::vo_railroad = 7

Definition at line 180 of file map.hpp.

◆ vo_retreat_unit_arrow

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::vo_retreat_unit_arrow = 11

Definition at line 184 of file map.hpp.

◆ vo_river

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::vo_river = 2

Definition at line 175 of file map.hpp.

◆ vo_static_mesh

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::vo_static_mesh = 8

Definition at line 181 of file map.hpp.

◆ vo_strategy_unit_arrow

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::vo_strategy_unit_arrow = 12

Definition at line 185 of file map.hpp.

◆ vo_text_line

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::vo_text_line = 4

Definition at line 177 of file map.hpp.

◆ vo_unit_arrow

constexpr uint32_t map::display_data::vo_unit_arrow = 3

Definition at line 176 of file map.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: