Project Alice
No Matches
ogl::data Struct Reference

#include <opengl_wrapper.hpp>

Collaboration diagram for ogl::data:

Public Attributes

tagged_vector< texture, dcon::texture_id > asset_textures
ankerl::unordered_dense::map< std::string, dcon::texture_id > late_loaded_map
void * context = nullptr
bool legacy_mode = false
GLuint ui_shader_program = 0
GLuint ui_shader_d_rect_uniform = 0
GLuint ui_shader_subroutines_index_uniform = 0
GLuint ui_shader_inner_color_uniform = 0
GLuint ui_shader_subrect_uniform = 0
GLuint ui_shader_border_size_uniform = 0
GLuint ui_shader_texture_sampler_uniform = 0
GLuint ui_shader_secondary_texture_sampler_uniform = 0
GLuint ui_shader_screen_width_uniform = 0
GLuint ui_shader_screen_height_uniform = 0
GLuint ui_shader_gamma_uniform = 0
GLuint global_square_vao = 0
GLuint global_square_buffer = 0
GLuint global_square_right_buffer = 0
GLuint global_square_left_buffer = 0
GLuint global_square_flipped_buffer = 0
GLuint global_square_right_flipped_buffer = 0
GLuint global_square_left_flipped_buffer = 0
GLuint global_rtl_square_buffer = 0
GLuint global_rtl_square_right_buffer = 0
GLuint global_rtl_square_left_buffer = 0
GLuint global_rtl_square_flipped_buffer = 0
GLuint global_rtl_square_right_flipped_buffer = 0
GLuint global_rtl_square_left_flipped_buffer = 0
GLuint sub_square_buffers [64] = {0}
GLuint money_icon_tex = 0
GLuint cross_icon_tex = 0
GLuint color_blind_cross_icon_tex = 0
GLuint checkmark_icon_tex = 0
GLuint navy_icon_tex = 0
GLuint army_icon_tex = 0
GLuint msaa_framebuffer = 0
GLuint msaa_texcolorbuffer = 0
GLuint msaa_rbo = 0
GLuint msaa_interbuffer = 0
GLuint msaa_texture = 0
GLuint msaa_vao = 0
GLuint msaa_vbo = 0
GLuint msaa_shader_program = 0
GLuint msaa_uniform_screen_size = 0
GLuint msaa_uniform_gaussian_blur = 0
bool msaa_enabled = false

Detailed Description

Definition at line 200 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ army_icon_tex

GLuint ogl::data::army_icon_tex = 0

Definition at line 241 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ asset_textures

tagged_vector<texture, dcon::texture_id> ogl::data::asset_textures

Definition at line 201 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ checkmark_icon_tex

GLuint ogl::data::checkmark_icon_tex = 0

Definition at line 239 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ color_blind_cross_icon_tex

GLuint ogl::data::color_blind_cross_icon_tex = 0

Definition at line 238 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ context

void* ogl::data::context = nullptr

Definition at line 204 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ cross_icon_tex

GLuint ogl::data::cross_icon_tex = 0

Definition at line 237 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ global_rtl_square_buffer

GLuint ogl::data::global_rtl_square_buffer = 0

Definition at line 227 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ global_rtl_square_flipped_buffer

GLuint ogl::data::global_rtl_square_flipped_buffer = 0

Definition at line 230 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ global_rtl_square_left_buffer

GLuint ogl::data::global_rtl_square_left_buffer = 0

Definition at line 229 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ global_rtl_square_left_flipped_buffer

GLuint ogl::data::global_rtl_square_left_flipped_buffer = 0

Definition at line 232 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ global_rtl_square_right_buffer

GLuint ogl::data::global_rtl_square_right_buffer = 0

Definition at line 228 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ global_rtl_square_right_flipped_buffer

GLuint ogl::data::global_rtl_square_right_flipped_buffer = 0

Definition at line 231 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ global_square_buffer

GLuint ogl::data::global_square_buffer = 0

Definition at line 220 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ global_square_flipped_buffer

GLuint ogl::data::global_square_flipped_buffer = 0

Definition at line 223 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ global_square_left_buffer

GLuint ogl::data::global_square_left_buffer = 0

Definition at line 222 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ global_square_left_flipped_buffer

GLuint ogl::data::global_square_left_flipped_buffer = 0

Definition at line 225 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ global_square_right_buffer

GLuint ogl::data::global_square_right_buffer = 0

Definition at line 221 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ global_square_right_flipped_buffer

GLuint ogl::data::global_square_right_flipped_buffer = 0

Definition at line 224 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ global_square_vao

GLuint ogl::data::global_square_vao = 0

Definition at line 219 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ late_loaded_map

ankerl::unordered_dense::map<std::string, dcon::texture_id> ogl::data::late_loaded_map

Definition at line 202 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ legacy_mode

bool ogl::data::legacy_mode = false

Definition at line 205 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ money_icon_tex

GLuint ogl::data::money_icon_tex = 0

Definition at line 236 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ msaa_enabled

bool ogl::data::msaa_enabled = false

Definition at line 253 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ msaa_framebuffer

GLuint ogl::data::msaa_framebuffer = 0

Definition at line 243 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ msaa_interbuffer

GLuint ogl::data::msaa_interbuffer = 0

Definition at line 246 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ msaa_rbo

GLuint ogl::data::msaa_rbo = 0

Definition at line 245 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ msaa_shader_program

GLuint ogl::data::msaa_shader_program = 0

Definition at line 250 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ msaa_texcolorbuffer

GLuint ogl::data::msaa_texcolorbuffer = 0

Definition at line 244 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ msaa_texture

GLuint ogl::data::msaa_texture = 0

Definition at line 247 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ msaa_uniform_gaussian_blur

GLuint ogl::data::msaa_uniform_gaussian_blur = 0

Definition at line 252 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ msaa_uniform_screen_size

GLuint ogl::data::msaa_uniform_screen_size = 0

Definition at line 251 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ msaa_vao

GLuint ogl::data::msaa_vao = 0

Definition at line 248 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ msaa_vbo

GLuint ogl::data::msaa_vbo = 0

Definition at line 249 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ navy_icon_tex

GLuint ogl::data::navy_icon_tex = 0

Definition at line 240 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ sub_square_buffers

GLuint ogl::data::sub_square_buffers[64] = {0}

Definition at line 234 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ ui_shader_border_size_uniform

GLuint ogl::data::ui_shader_border_size_uniform = 0

Definition at line 212 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ ui_shader_d_rect_uniform

GLuint ogl::data::ui_shader_d_rect_uniform = 0

Definition at line 208 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ ui_shader_gamma_uniform

GLuint ogl::data::ui_shader_gamma_uniform = 0

Definition at line 217 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ ui_shader_inner_color_uniform

GLuint ogl::data::ui_shader_inner_color_uniform = 0

Definition at line 210 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ ui_shader_program

GLuint ogl::data::ui_shader_program = 0

Definition at line 206 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ ui_shader_screen_height_uniform

GLuint ogl::data::ui_shader_screen_height_uniform = 0

Definition at line 216 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ ui_shader_screen_width_uniform

GLuint ogl::data::ui_shader_screen_width_uniform = 0

Definition at line 215 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ ui_shader_secondary_texture_sampler_uniform

GLuint ogl::data::ui_shader_secondary_texture_sampler_uniform = 0

Definition at line 214 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ ui_shader_subrect_uniform

GLuint ogl::data::ui_shader_subrect_uniform = 0

Definition at line 211 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ ui_shader_subroutines_index_uniform

GLuint ogl::data::ui_shader_subroutines_index_uniform = 0

Definition at line 209 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

◆ ui_shader_texture_sampler_uniform

GLuint ogl::data::ui_shader_texture_sampler_uniform = 0

Definition at line 213 of file opengl_wrapper.hpp.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: