91 int frame,
int total_frames,
104 float red,
float green,
float blue
117 GLuint texture_handle,
124 uint16_t font_handle,
143 std::vector<text::text_chunk>& content,
void shrink(rect &rectangle, float value)
rect subrect(rect &rectangle, float w, float h, alignment_horizontal align_hor, alignment_vertical align_vert)
void move_to(rect &rectangle, float x, float y)
void render_text_chunk(sys::state &state, text::text_chunk t, float x, float baseline_y, uint16_t font_id, ogl::color3f text_color, ogl::color_modification cmod)
ogl::color3f get_text_color(sys::state &state, text::text_color text_color)
void load_description(sys::state &state, std::string_view name, element_description &local_desc)
ankerl::unordered_dense::map< int32_t, std::vector< text::text_chunk > > gui_text_chunks_map
void localized_string(sys::state &state, int32_t identifier, rect &r, std::string_view key, ogl::color3f color={ 0.f, 0.f, 0.f })
element_description priority_button
int page_production_methods
void render_text(sys::state &state, std::vector< text::text_chunk > &content, rect &r, ogl::color3f color)
element_description page_selector_bg
element_description top_bar_button
std::vector< text::text_chunk > input_efficiency_leaders_string
void int_whole(sys::state &state, int32_t identifier, rect &r, int32_t value)
text::endless_layout init_layout(sys::state &state, text::layout &layout, uint16_t font_handle, text::alignment align, float w, float h)
element_description factory_type_bg
element_description close_button
ankerl::unordered_dense::map< int32_t, int32_t > gui_int_map
std::vector< dcon::nation_id > input_efficiency_leaders
element_description item_selector_bg
ankerl::unordered_dense::map< int32_t, float > gui_float_map
bool button(sys::state &state, int32_t identifier, rect &r, bool active)
element_description map_label
void panel(sys::state &state, rect &r)
void float_2(sys::state &state, int32_t identifier, rect &r, float value)
void localized_string_r(sys::state &state, int32_t identifier, rect r, std::string_view key, ogl::color3f color={ 0.f, 0.f, 0.f })
void panel_textured(sys::state &state, rect &r, GLuint texture_handle)
ankerl::unordered_dense::map< int32_t, std::string > gui_text_map
element_description commodity_bg
bool button_textured(sys::state &state, int32_t identifier, rect &r, int total_frames, GLuint texture_handle, bool active)
std::vector< float > per_market_data
element_description factory_type_name_bg
element_description page_button
void panel_colored(sys::state &state, rect &r, float red, float green, float blue)
void price(sys::state &state, int32_t identifier, rect &r, float value)
void panel_subsprite(sys::state &state, rect &r, int frame, int total_frames, GLuint texture_handle)
element_description factory_type_priority_bg
Holds important data about the game world, state, and other data regarding windowing,...