Project Alice
No Matches
ui Namespace Reference


namespace  effect_tooltip
namespace  trigger_tooltip


class  add_selected_units_to_army_group_button
class  all_prices_graph
class  antialiasing_display
class  antialiasing_left
class  antialiasing_right
class  apply_template_container
class  apply_template_to_army_location_button
class  army_group_control_window
class  army_group_counter_window
class  army_group_details_window
class  army_group_details_window_body
class  army_group_details_window_header
class  army_group_entry
class  army_group_icon
class  army_group_location
struct  army_group_unit_type_info
class  army_groups_list
class  army_groups_list_wrapper
class  attacker_combat_modifiers
class  attacker_peace_goal
class  autosave_display
class  autosave_left
class  autosave_right
class  autoscaling_scrollbar
class  background_image
class  base_event_option_listbox
class  base_event_window
class  base_unit_container
class  battleplanner_control
class  battleplanner_selection_control
class  black_map_font_checkbox
class  budget_actual_stockpile_spending_text
class  budget_administration_slider
class  budget_army_stockpile_slider
class  budget_balance_projection_text
class  budget_construction_stockpile_slider
class  budget_education_slider
class  budget_estimated_stockpile_spending_text
class  budget_expenditure_projection_text
class  budget_expenditure_text
class  budget_income_projection_text
class  budget_middle_tax_slider
class  budget_military_spending_slider
class  budget_military_spending_text
class  budget_navy_stockpile_slider
class  budget_overseas_spending_text
class  budget_poor_tax_slider
class  budget_pop_income_list
class  budget_pop_list_item
class  budget_pop_tax_list
class  budget_repay_loan_button
class  budget_repay_loan_window
class  budget_rich_tax_slider
class  budget_scaled_monetary_value_text
class  budget_slider
struct  budget_slider_signal
class  budget_small_pop_income_list
class  budget_social_spending_slider
class  budget_social_spending_text
class  budget_stratified_tax_income_text
class  budget_take_loan_button
class  budget_take_loan_window
class  budget_tariff_income_text
class  budget_tariff_percentage_text
class  budget_tariff_slider
class  budget_window
class  build_unit_button
class  build_unit_close_button
class  build_unit_large_window
class  build_unit_province_cancel_all_units_button
class  build_unit_province_close_button
class  build_unit_province_window
class  buildable_unit_entry_info
struct  button_data
class  button_element_base
class  button_press_notification
class  cancel_all_units_button
class  cancel_pick_wg_button
class  cancel_unit_construction_button
class  cancel_unit_construction_button< dcon::army_id >
class  cancel_unit_construction_button< dcon::navy_id >
class  category_filter_button
class  cb_icon
class  cb_progress_text
class  cb_wargoal_button
class  cb_wargoal_icon
class  chat_close_button
class  chat_edit_box
struct  chat_message
class  chat_message_entry
class  chat_message_listbox
class  chat_message_text
class  chat_player_entry
class  chat_player_listbox
class  chat_return_to_lobby_button
class  chat_window
struct  check_wg_completion
class  checkbox_button
class  close_application_button
struct  close_focus_window_notification
class  close_investments
class  colonisation_listbox
class  colonist_entry
class  colonist_listbox
class  colonization_level_number
class  colony_invest_button
class  color_blind_display
class  color_blind_left
class  color_blind_right
class  color_text_element
class  commodity_effective_price_text
class  commodity_filter_button
class  commodity_filter_enabled_image
class  commodity_filter_item
struct  commodity_filter_query_data
struct  commodity_filter_toggle_data
class  commodity_filters_window
class  commodity_global_market_text
class  commodity_image
class  commodity_linegraph_legend_window
class  commodity_market_increase_text
class  commodity_national_player_stockpile_text
class  commodity_player_availability_text
class  commodity_player_domestic_market_text
class  commodity_player_factory_needs_text
class  commodity_player_government_needs_text
class  commodity_player_pop_needs_text
class  commodity_player_production_text
class  commodity_player_real_demand_text
class  commodity_player_stockpile_increase_text
class  commodity_price_text
class  commodity_price_trend
class  commodity_primary_worker_amount
class  commodity_secondary_worker_amount
class  commodity_stockpile_indicator
class  console_edit
class  console_list
class  console_window
class  container_base
class  continent_filter_button
class  counter_ico
struct  country_filter_setting
class  country_sort_button
class  country_sort_by_player_investment
struct  country_sort_setting
class  crisis_attacker_wargoals
class  crisis_defender_wargoals
class  crisis_peace_wg_from
class  crisis_peace_wg_to
class  crisis_resolution_dialog
class  crisis_tab_button
class  culture_piechart
class  date_label
class  debt_item
struct  debt_item_data
class  debt_listbox
class  debt_piechart
class  debtor_amount
class  debtor_name
class  decision_ai_will_do
class  decision_desc
class  decision_image
class  decision_item
class  decision_listbox
class  decision_name
class  decision_potential
class  decision_requirements
class  decision_window
class  defender_combat_modifiers
class  defender_peace_goal
class  definitions
class  delete_army_group_button
class  demographic_piechart
class  deselect_all_button
class  detail_domestic_production
struct  dip_make_nation_visible
struct  dip_tab_request
class  diplomacy_action_add_to_sphere_button
class  diplomacy_action_add_wargoal_button
class  diplomacy_action_ally_button
class  diplomacy_action_ban_embassy_button
class  diplomacy_action_call_ally_button
class  diplomacy_action_declare_war_button
class  diplomacy_action_decrease_opinion_button
class  diplomacy_action_decrease_relations_button
class  diplomacy_action_dialog_agree_button
class  diplomacy_action_dialog_decline_button
class  diplomacy_action_dialog_description_text
class  diplomacy_action_dialog_title_text
class  diplomacy_action_dialog_window
class  diplomacy_action_discredit_button
class  diplomacy_action_expel_advisors_button
class  diplomacy_action_give_military_access_button
class  diplomacy_action_gp_dialog_select_window
class  diplomacy_action_increase_opinion_button
class  diplomacy_action_increase_relations_button
class  diplomacy_action_justify_war_button
class  diplomacy_action_military_access_button
class  diplomacy_action_release_subject_button
class  diplomacy_action_remove_from_sphere_button
class  diplomacy_action_state_transfer_button
class  diplomacy_action_war_subisides_button
class  diplomacy_action_window
class  diplomacy_casus_belli_cancel_button
class  diplomacy_casus_belli_entry
class  diplomacy_casus_belli_listbox
class  diplomacy_casus_belli_window
class  diplomacy_country_facts
class  diplomacy_country_info
class  diplomacy_country_interested_in_alliance
class  diplomacy_country_listbox
class  diplomacy_country_select
class  diplomacy_crisis_attacker_backers
class  diplomacy_crisis_attacker_flag
class  diplomacy_crisis_attacker_name
class  diplomacy_crisis_attacker_window
class  diplomacy_crisis_defender_backers
class  diplomacy_crisis_defender_flag
class  diplomacy_crisis_defender_name
class  diplomacy_crisis_defender_window
class  diplomacy_crisis_info_window
class  diplomacy_crisis_interested_container
class  diplomacy_crisis_interested_window
class  diplomacy_crisis_join_container
class  diplomacy_crisis_peace_goal_listbox
class  diplomacy_crisis_peace_goal_row
class  diplomacy_crisis_peace_select_button
class  diplomacy_crisis_peace_setup_goals_window
class  diplomacy_crisis_peace_total_warscore
class  diplomacy_crisis_peace_wargoal_score_text
class  diplomacy_crisis_peace_wargoal_text
class  diplomacy_crisis_sponsored_attacker_flag
class  diplomacy_crisis_sponsored_defender_flag
class  diplomacy_crisis_status_text
class  diplomacy_crisis_subtitle_text
class  diplomacy_crisis_temperature_bar
class  diplomacy_crisis_title_text
class  diplomacy_declare_war_agree_button
class  diplomacy_declare_war_call_allies_checkbox
class  diplomacy_declare_war_call_allies_text
class  diplomacy_declare_war_description1
class  diplomacy_declare_war_description2
class  diplomacy_declare_war_dialog
class  diplomacy_declare_war_title
class  diplomacy_gp_action_dialog_window
class  diplomacy_greatpower_info
class  diplomacy_join_war_button
class  diplomacy_make_cb_button
class  diplomacy_make_cb_desc
class  diplomacy_make_cb_listbox
class  diplomacy_make_cb_type
class  diplomacy_make_cb_window
class  diplomacy_nation_armies_text
class  diplomacy_nation_navies_text
class  diplomacy_peace_goal_listbox
class  diplomacy_peace_goal_row
class  diplomacy_peace_pick_side_description
class  diplomacy_peace_pick_side_window
class  diplomacy_peace_select_button
class  diplomacy_peace_send
class  diplomacy_peace_setup_goals_window
class  diplomacy_peace_tab_button
class  diplomacy_peace_total_warscore
class  diplomacy_peace_wargoal_score_text
class  diplomacy_peace_wargoal_text
class  diplomacy_priority_button
struct  diplomacy_reply_taken_notification
class  diplomacy_request_count_text
class  diplomacy_request_desc_text
class  diplomacy_request_flag_button
class  diplomacy_request_lr_button
class  diplomacy_request_player_flag_button
class  diplomacy_request_reply_button
class  diplomacy_request_title_text
class  diplomacy_request_window
class  diplomacy_setup_peace_dialog
class  diplomacy_sort_nation_gp_flag
class  diplomacy_war_exhaustion
class  diplomacy_war_info
class  diplomacy_war_listbox
class  diplomacy_war_overlapping_wargoals
class  diplomacy_wargoal_add_window
class  diplomacy_wargoal_failure_window
class  diplomacy_wargoal_success_window
class  diplomacy_window
class  diplomatic_message_topbar_button
class  diplomatic_message_topbar_entry_window
class  diplomatic_message_topbar_flag_button
class  diplomatic_message_topbar_listbox
class  disband_all_button
class  dm_popup_checkbox
class  domestic_investment_estimated_text
class  domestic_investment_slider
class  draggable_target
class  edit_box_element_base
class  effects_volume
class  election_issue_support_item
class  election_parties_listbox
class  election_party_entry
class  election_party_popularity_piechart
class  election_popularity_entry
class  election_popularity_listbox
class  election_voter_ideology_piechart
class  election_voter_issue_entry
class  election_voter_issues_listbox
class  elections_issue_option_listbox
class  element_base
struct  element_data
struct  element_selection_wrapper
struct  element_target
class  enable_debt_toggle
class  end_bottom_four_gp
class  end_left_flag
class  end_nation_window
class  end_right_flag
class  end_secondary_powers
class  end_top_four_gp
class  end_window
class  end_window_ideologies
class  end_window_ledger_button
class  end_window_player
class  error_body_text
class  error_dialog_window
class  event_auto_button
class  event_date_text
class  event_desc_text
class  event_image
class  event_name_text
class  event_odds_icon
class  event_option_button
class  event_option_button_row
class  event_population_amount_text
class  event_province_text
class  event_requirements_icon
class  event_state_name_text
class  event_subtitle_text
class  expanded_hitbox_text
class  factory_build_button
class  factory_build_cancel_button
class  factory_build_cost_text
class  factory_build_description
class  factory_build_item
class  factory_build_item_button
class  factory_build_list
class  factory_build_output_name_text
class  factory_build_progress_bar
class  factory_build_time_text
class  factory_build_window
class  factory_buttons_window
class  factory_cancel_new_const_button
class  factory_cancel_upgrade_button
class  factory_close_and_delete_button
class  factory_count_sort
class  factory_current_funds_text
class  factory_delete_button
class  factory_deselect_all_button
class  factory_employment_image
class  factory_income_image
class  factory_income_text
class  factory_infrastructure_sort
class  factory_input_icon
class  factory_level_text
class  factory_name_sort
class  factory_output_name_text
class  factory_priority_button
class  factory_priority_image
class  factory_prod_close_all_button
class  factory_prod_open_all_button
class  factory_prod_subsidise_all_button
class  factory_prod_unsubsidise_all_button
class  factory_produced_text
class  factory_profit_text
class  factory_reopen_button
class  factory_select_all_button
class  factory_show_empty_states_button
class  factory_state_name_text
class  factory_subsidise_button
class  factory_title
class  factory_upgrade_button
class  factory_upgrade_progress_bar
class  factory_workers_text
class  fixed_pop_type_icon
class  fixed_zero
class  flag_button
class  flag_button2
class  fonts_mode_checkbox
class  fow_checkbox
class  fps_counter_text_box
class  full_wg_icon
class  gamma_display
class  gamma_left
class  gamma_right
class  gaussianblur_display
class  gaussianblur_left
class  gaussianblur_right
class  gdp_graph
class  generic_close_button
class  generic_multiline_name_text
class  generic_multiline_text
class  generic_name_text
class  generic_opaque_checkbox_button
class  generic_rebel_name_text
class  generic_settable_element
class  generic_tab_button
class  generic_tabbed_window
struct  get_offer_to
struct  get_stockpile_target
struct  get_target
struct  gfx_object
class  go_to_base_game_button
class  go_to_battleplanner_button
class  go_to_battleplanner_selection_button
class  gp_action_choice_accept_button
class  gp_action_choice_cancel_button
class  gp_action_choice_desc
class  gp_action_choice_title
struct  gp_choice_get_selection
struct  gp_choice_num
struct  gp_choice_select
class  gp_detail_banned
class  gp_detail_discredited
struct  gp_detail_num
class  gp_info_background
class  gp_investment_text
class  gp_tab_text
class  great_power_detail_flag
class  great_power_inf_detail
class  great_power_influence_detail
class  great_power_investment_detail
class  great_power_opinion_detail
class  grid_box
struct  hash_text_key
class  ideology_piechart
class  ideology_plupp
class  ideology_with_explanation
class  ignore_checkbox
struct  image_data
class  image_element_base
class  input_n_amout
class  input_n_image
class  interested_flag
class  interface_volume
class  invention_chance_percent_text
class  invention_image
class  invention_name_text
class  invest_brow_window
class  invisible_element
class  issue_name_text
class  issue_option_popular_support
class  issue_option_text
class  issue_option_voter_support
class  issue_with_explanation
class  join_crisis_button
class  justifying_attacker_flag
class  justifying_cb_progress
class  justifying_cb_type_icon
class  justifying_defender_flag
class  land_combat_attacker_window
class  land_combat_defender_window
class  land_combat_end_popup
class  land_combat_window
class  land_rally_point
class  land_unit_under_construction_count
class  language_display
class  language_left
class  language_right
class  lbattle_name
class  lc_attacker_flag
class  lc_attacker_leader_img
class  lc_attacker_org
class  lc_attacker_org_txt
class  lc_attacker_str
class  lc_attacker_str_txt
class  lc_attacking_leader_name
class  lc_close_button
class  lc_defender_flag
class  lc_defender_org
class  lc_defender_org_txt
class  lc_defender_str
class  lc_defender_str_txt
class  lc_defending_leader_img
class  lc_defending_leader_name
class  lc_empty_text
class  lc_goto_location_button
class  lc_loss_image
class  lc_modifier
struct  lc_modifier_data
class  lc_modifier_icon
class  lc_modifier_value
class  lc_o_initial_art
class  lc_o_initial_cav
class  lc_o_initial_inf
class  lc_o_initial_total
class  lc_o_loss_art
class  lc_o_loss_cav
class  lc_o_loss_inf
class  lc_o_loss_total
class  lc_o_rem_art
class  lc_o_rem_cav
class  lc_o_rem_inf
class  lc_o_rem_total
class  lc_our_leader_img
class  lc_our_leader_name
class  lc_our_prestige
class  lc_result_battle_name
class  lc_retreat_button
class  lc_static_icon
class  lc_t_initial_art
class  lc_t_initial_cav
class  lc_t_initial_inf
class  lc_t_initial_total
class  lc_t_loss_art
class  lc_t_loss_cav
class  lc_t_loss_inf
class  lc_t_loss_total
class  lc_t_rem_art
class  lc_t_rem_cav
class  lc_t_rem_inf
class  lc_t_rem_total
class  lc_their_leader_img
class  lc_their_leader_name
class  lc_their_prestige
class  lc_unit_strength_txt
class  lc_warscore
class  lc_win_image
class  lc_win_lose
class  leader_in_army_img
class  leader_portrait
class  leader_prestige_progress_bar
class  leader_select_listbox
class  leader_select_row
class  leader_selection_window
class  leaders_sortby_army
class  leaders_sortby_name
class  leaders_sortby_prestige
class  leaders_sortby_type
class  leaders_window
class  ledger_commodity_plupp
class  ledger_commodity_price_entry
class  ledger_commodity_price_listbox
class  ledger_factories_production_buttons
class  ledger_factories_production_entry
class  ledger_factories_production_listbox
class  ledger_generic_sort_button
class  ledger_nation_comparison_buttons
class  ledger_nation_comparison_entry
class  ledger_nation_comparison_listbox
class  ledger_nation_entry
class  ledger_nation_plupp
class  ledger_nation_political_reforms_listbox
class  ledger_nation_political_systems_buttons
class  ledger_nation_political_systems_entry
class  ledger_nation_political_systems_listbox
class  ledger_nation_population_buttons
class  ledger_nation_population_entry
class  ledger_nation_population_listbox
class  ledger_nation_ranking_buttons
class  ledger_nation_ranking_entry
class  ledger_nation_ranking_listbox
class  ledger_nation_reforms_buttons
class  ledger_nation_reforms_entry
class  ledger_nation_social_reforms_listbox
class  ledger_nations_listbox
class  ledger_next_button
class  ledger_page_number
class  ledger_prev_button
class  ledger_province_buttons
class  ledger_province_entry
class  ledger_province_listbox
class  ledger_province_population_buttons
class  ledger_province_population_entry
class  ledger_province_population_listbox
class  ledger_province_production_buttons
class  ledger_provinces_production_entry
class  ledger_provinces_production_listbox
struct  ledger_sort
class  ledger_window
class  left_mouse_click_mode_checkbox
class  level_entry
class  line_graph
struct  list_box_data
class  listbox2_base
class  listbox2_row_element
struct  listbox2_row_view
struct  listbox2_scroll_event
class  listbox2_scrollbar
class  listbox_element_base
class  listbox_row_button_base
class  listbox_row_element_base
class  macro_builder_apply_button
class  macro_builder_details
class  macro_builder_name_input
class  macro_builder_new_template_button
class  macro_builder_remove_template_button
class  macro_builder_save_template_button
class  macro_builder_set_main_template_button
struct  macro_builder_state
class  macro_builder_switch_type_button
class  macro_builder_template_entry
class  macro_builder_template_flag
class  macro_builder_template_listbox
class  macro_builder_template_name
class  macro_builder_template_select
class  macro_builder_unit_button
class  macro_builder_unit_entry
class  macro_builder_unit_listbox
class  macro_builder_unit_name
class  macro_builder_window
class  main_menu_window
class  main_template_composition_label
class  major_event_left_flag
class  major_event_right_flag
class  make_cb_title
class  make_decision
class  make_offer_button
class  map_battle
class  map_label_display
class  map_label_left
class  map_label_right
class  map_legend_civ_level
class  map_legend_col
class  map_legend_dip
class  map_legend_gradient
class  map_legend_gradient_image
class  map_legend_gradient_max
class  map_legend_gradient_min
class  map_legend_nav
class  map_legend_rank
class  map_legend_rec
class  map_legend_rr
class  map_legend_title
class  map_mouse_edge_scrolling
class  map_pv_bank
class  map_pv_fort_dots
class  map_pv_rail_dots
class  map_pv_university
class  map_siege
class  map_state_select_button
class  map_state_select_entry
class  map_state_select_listbox
class  map_state_select_title
class  map_state_select_window
class  map_zoom_mode_display
class  map_zoom_mode_left
class  map_zoom_mode_right
class  master_volume
class  merge_all_button
class  merge_rally_point
class  message_body_text
class  message_body_text_internal
class  message_count_text
class  message_dismiss_button
struct  message_dismiss_notification
class  message_filters_country_button
class  message_filters_country_item
class  message_filters_country_listbox
class  message_filters_window
class  message_flag_button
class  message_handling_buton
class  message_log_close_button
class  message_log_entry
class  message_log_filter_checkbox
class  message_log_listbox
class  message_log_text
class  message_log_window
class  message_lr_button
class  message_notify_rebels_defeat
class  message_preset_ai_only
class  message_preset_reset
struct  message_setting_changed_notification
class  message_settings_item
class  message_settings_listbox
class  message_settings_window
class  message_type_name
class  message_window
class  mil_goto_background_button
class  military_admiral_count
class  military_armies_construction_text
class  military_armies_text
class  military_general_count
class  military_leaders
class  military_leaders_listbox
class  military_make_leader_button
class  military_mob_button
class  military_mob_impact_text
class  military_mob_progress_bar
class  military_mob_progress_bar_text
class  military_mob_size_text
class  military_mobilized_is_ai_controlled
class  military_navies_construction_text
class  military_navies_text
class  military_score_icon
class  military_unit_building_progress_bar
class  military_unit_entry
struct  military_unit_info
class  military_unit_morale_progress_bar
class  military_unit_name_text
class  military_unit_strength_progress_bar
class  military_units_listbox
class  military_units_sortby_name
class  military_units_sortby_strength
class  military_units_window
class  military_window
class  minimap_console_button
class  minimap_container_window
class  minimap_goto_button
class  minimap_ledger_button
class  minimap_macro_builder_button
class  minimap_mapmode_button
class  minimap_menu_button
class  minimap_msg_combat_button
class  minimap_msg_diplo_button
class  minimap_msg_event_button
class  minimap_msg_other_button
class  minimap_msg_province_button
class  minimap_msg_settings_button
class  minimap_msg_unit_button
class  minimap_open_message_log_button
class  minimap_picture_window
class  minimap_zoom_in_button
class  minimap_zoom_out_button
class  mm_disabled_button
struct  modifier_display_info
struct  mouse_probe
class  movement_issue_name_text
class  movement_nationalist_name_text
class  movement_radicalism_text
class  movement_size_text
class  movement_suppress_button
class  movements_list
class  movements_option
class  movements_rebel_list
class  movements_rebel_option
class  movements_sort_order_button
class  movements_window
class  mulit_unit_selection_panel
class  multi_selection_leader_image
class  multi_unit_details_ai_controlled
class  multiline_button_element_base
class  multiline_text_element_base
struct  multiline_text_scroll_event
class  multiline_text_scrollbar
class  multiplayer_status_text
class  music_player_display
class  music_player_left
class  music_player_right
class  music_volume
struct  mutable_scrollbar_settings
class  mute_on_focus_lost_checkbox
class  nation_accepted_cultures
class  nation_administrative_efficiency_text
class  nation_alice_readme_text
class  nation_brigade_allocation_text
class  nation_budget_bank_text
class  nation_budget_debt_text
class  nation_budget_funds_text
class  nation_budget_interest_text
class  nation_can_do_political_reform_icon
class  nation_can_do_political_reform_text
class  nation_can_do_social_reform_icon
class  nation_can_do_social_reform_text
class  nation_colonial_power_text
class  nation_consciousness_text
class  nation_current_research_text
class  nation_daily_research_points_text
class  nation_details_window
class  nation_diplomatic_balance_text
class  nation_diplomatic_points_text
class  nation_economic_reform_multiplier_icon
class  nation_flag_frame
class  nation_focus_allocation_text
class  nation_gold_income_text
class  nation_government_description_text
class  nation_government_type_text
class  nation_gp_flag
class  nation_gp_investment_text
class  nation_gp_opinion_text
class  nation_growth_indicator
class  nation_ideology_percentage_text
class  nation_industries_text
class  nation_industry_rank_text
class  nation_industry_score_text
class  nation_infamy_text
class  nation_leadership_points_text
class  nation_literacy_text
class  nation_loan_spending_text
class  nation_militancy_text
class  nation_military_rank_text
class  nation_military_reform_multiplier_icon
class  nation_military_score_text
class  nation_mobilization_size_text
class  nation_national_value_icon
class  nation_national_value_text
class  nation_navy_allocation_text
class  nation_num_regiments
class  nation_num_ships
class  nation_overlord_flag
class  nation_picker_container
class  nation_picker_cultures_chart
class  nation_picker_ideologies_chart
class  nation_picker_multiplayer_entry
class  nation_picker_multiplayer_listbox
class  nation_picker_multiplayer_window
class  nation_picker_poptypes_chart
class  nation_player_flag
class  nation_player_investment_text
class  nation_player_opinion_text
class  nation_player_relations_text
class  nation_plurality_text
class  nation_population_per_pop_type_text
class  nation_population_text
class  nation_ppp_gdp_per_capita_text
class  nation_ppp_gdp_text
class  nation_prestige_rank_text
class  nation_prestige_text
class  nation_primary_culture
class  nation_provinces_text
class  nation_puppet_list_label
class  nation_rank_text
class  nation_research_points_text
class  nation_revanchism_text
class  nation_ruling_party_ideology_plupp
class  nation_ruling_party_ideology_text
class  nation_ruling_party_text
class  nation_script_button
class  nation_selected_issue_text
class  nation_sol_text
class  nation_sphere_list_label
class  nation_status_diplomacy_window
class  nation_status_text
class  nation_subsidy_spending_text
class  nation_suppression_points_text
class  nation_technology_research_progress
class  nation_toggle_checkbox
struct  nation_toggle_list
class  nation_total_score_text
class  nation_westernization_progress_bar
class  national_election_event_listbox
class  national_election_event_window
class  national_event_listbox
class  national_event_window
class  national_factory_count
class  national_focus_category
class  national_focus_category_list
class  national_focus_icon
class  national_focus_item
class  national_focus_remove_button
class  national_focus_window
class  national_identity_vassal_type_text
class  national_invention_count
class  national_major_event_window
class  national_modifier_icon
class  national_modifier_win
class  national_modifiers
class  national_province_count
class  national_regiment_count
class  national_ship_count
class  national_tech_count
class  national_tech_school
class  national_treasury_text
class  nations_linegraph_legend_window
class  naval_combat_attacker_window
class  naval_combat_defender_window
class  naval_combat_end_popup
class  naval_combat_window
class  naval_rally_point
class  naval_unit_under_construction_count
class  navy_transport_text
class  nbattle_name
class  nc_attacker_bs_txt
class  nc_attacker_combat_modifiers
class  nc_attacker_flag
class  nc_attacker_leader_img
class  nc_attacker_org
class  nc_attacker_org_txt
class  nc_attacker_ss_txt
class  nc_attacker_str
class  nc_attacker_str_txt
class  nc_attacker_ts_txt
class  nc_attacking_leader_name
class  nc_close_button
class  nc_defender_bs_txt
class  nc_defender_combat_modifiers
class  nc_defender_flag
class  nc_defender_org
class  nc_defender_org_txt
class  nc_defender_ss_txt
class  nc_defender_str
class  nc_defender_str_txt
class  nc_defender_ts_txt
class  nc_defending_leader_img
class  nc_defending_leader_name
class  nc_goto_location_button
class  nc_loss_image
class  nc_o_initial_bs
class  nc_o_initial_ss
class  nc_o_initial_total
class  nc_o_initial_ts
class  nc_o_loss_bs
class  nc_o_loss_ss
class  nc_o_loss_total
class  nc_o_loss_ts
class  nc_o_rem_bs
class  nc_o_rem_ss
class  nc_o_rem_total
class  nc_o_rem_ts
class  nc_our_leader_img
class  nc_our_leader_name
class  nc_our_prestige
class  nc_result_battle_name
class  nc_retreat_button
class  nc_t_initial_bs
class  nc_t_initial_ss
class  nc_t_initial_total
class  nc_t_initial_ts
class  nc_t_loss_bs
class  nc_t_loss_ss
class  nc_t_loss_total
class  nc_t_loss_ts
class  nc_t_rem_bs
class  nc_t_rem_ss
class  nc_t_rem_total
class  nc_t_rem_ts
class  nc_their_leader_img
class  nc_their_leader_name
class  nc_their_prestige
class  nc_warscore
class  nc_win_image
class  nc_win_lose
class  needed_workers_count_text
class  new_army_group_button
class  normal_factory_background
struct  notify_macro_toggle_is_land
struct  notify_setting_update
struct  notify_template_select
class  number_of_players_text
struct  offer_cost
class  offer_war_goal_dialog
class  opaque_element_base
struct  open_investment_nation
struct  open_msg_log_data
struct  open_offer_window
struct  option_taken_notification
class  options_menu_window
class  outliner_button
class  outliner_combat_icon
class  outliner_element
class  outliner_element_button
class  outliner_entry_text
class  outliner_filter_checkbox
class  outliner_header_bg
class  outliner_header_text
struct  outliner_hostile_siege
class  outliner_land_rally
class  outliner_listbox
class  outliner_minmax_button
class  outliner_moving_icon
struct  outliner_my_siege
class  outliner_naval_rally
struct  outliner_rally_point
struct  outliner_rebel_occupation
class  outliner_window
class  output_amount_text
class  overlapping_active_wargoals
class  overlapping_ally_flags
class  overlapping_attacker_flags
class  overlapping_cb_icon
class  overlapping_cordial_flags
struct  overlapping_data
class  overlapping_defender_flags
class  overlapping_enemy_flags
class  overlapping_flags_box
class  overlapping_flags_flag_button
class  overlapping_friendly_flags
class  overlapping_full_wg_icon
class  overlapping_listbox_element_base
class  overlapping_puppet_flags
class  overlapping_sphere_flags
class  overlapping_truce_flag_button
class  overlapping_truce_flags
class  overlapping_wargoal_icon
class  overlapping_wargoals
class  overlapping_wg_icon
class  overseas_maintenance_estimated_text
class  overseas_maintenance_slider
class  owner_sort
class  partially_transparent_image
class  passive_leader_attack
class  passive_leader_defense
class  passive_leader_exp
class  passive_leader_image
class  passive_leader_morale
class  passive_leader_name
class  passive_leader_org
class  passive_leader_recon
class  passive_leader_reliability
class  passive_leader_speed
class  peace_wg_from
class  peace_wg_to
class  per_state_capitalist_amount
class  per_state_primary_worker_amount
class  per_state_secondary_worker_amount
class  pick_nation_button
class  piechart
class  playable_nations_item
class  playable_nations_lb
class  playable_nations_sort_button
class  playable_nations_window
class  player_ban_button
class  player_investement_text
class  player_kick_button
class  player_name_text
class  politics_all_party_entry
class  politics_all_party_listbox
class  politics_all_party_window
class  politics_change_party_button
class  politics_choose_party_button
class  politics_hold_election
class  politics_hold_election_button
class  politics_issue_sort_button
class  politics_issue_support_item
class  politics_issue_support_listbox
class  politics_party_issue_entry
class  politics_party_issues_listbox
class  politics_release_nation_window
class  politics_release_nation_window_title
class  politics_ruling_party_window
class  politics_unciv_overlay
class  politics_upper_house_entry
class  politics_upper_house_listbox
class  politics_window
class  pop_cash_reserve_text
class  pop_con_text
class  pop_culture_text
class  pop_detailed_ideology_distribution
class  pop_detailed_ideology_distribution_item
class  pop_detailed_ideology_distribution_listbox
class  pop_detailed_issue_distribution
class  pop_detailed_issue_distribution_item
class  pop_detailed_issue_distribution_listbox
class  pop_details_colonial_migration_label
class  pop_details_colonial_migration_value
class  pop_details_demotion_value
class  pop_details_emigration_label
class  pop_details_emigration_value
class  pop_details_icon
class  pop_details_migration_label
class  pop_details_migration_value
class  pop_details_needs_item
class  pop_details_needs_listbox
class  pop_details_promotion_label
class  pop_details_promotion_percent_text
class  pop_details_promotion_value
class  pop_details_promotion_window
class  pop_details_window
class  pop_distribution_item
class  pop_distribution_listbox
class  pop_distribution_piechart
class  pop_distribution_plupp
class  pop_distribution_window
class  pop_everyday_needs_progress_bar
class  pop_filter_button
class  pop_filter_select_action
class  pop_filter_select_button
class  pop_growth_indicator
class  pop_ideology_piechart
class  pop_issues_piechart
class  pop_item
class  pop_left_side_button
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class  pop_left_side_expand_button
class  pop_left_side_item
class  pop_left_side_listbox
class  pop_left_side_province_window
class  pop_left_side_state_window
class  pop_life_needs_progress_bar
class  pop_listbox
class  pop_literacy_text
class  pop_location_text
class  pop_luxury_needs_progress_bar
class  pop_militancy_text
class  pop_movement_flag
class  pop_movement_political
class  pop_movement_social
class  pop_national_focus_button
class  pop_rebels_details
class  pop_revolt_faction
class  pop_satisfaction_piechart
class  pop_size_text
class  pop_sort_button
class  pop_sort_buttons_window
class  pop_type_icon
class  pop_unemployment_progress_bar
class  population_window
class  popwin_religion_type
class  popwin_state_population
class  port_ex_bg
class  port_level_bar
class  port_ship_count
class  port_sm_bg
class  port_window
struct  position_data
class  price_chart_high
class  price_chart_low
class  price_toggle_checkbox
struct  price_toggle_list
class  prices_line_graph
class  primary_worker_sort
class  production_build_new_factory
class  production_country_listbox
class  production_factory_info
class  production_factory_info_bounds_window
struct  production_factory_slot_data
struct  production_foreign_invest_target
class  production_foreign_investment_window
class  production_good_info
class  production_goods_category_name
class  production_info_window
class  production_investment_country_info
class  production_investment_country_select
class  production_national_focus_button
class  production_project_info
struct  production_project_input_data
class  production_project_input_item
class  production_project_input_listbox
class  production_project_invest_button
class  production_project_listbox
struct  production_selection_wrapper
class  production_sort_my_nation_flag
class  production_sort_nation_gp_flag
class  production_state_info
class  production_state_invest_listbox
class  production_state_listbox
class  production_window
class  progress_bar
class  project_investment_current_funds
class  project_investment_header
class  project_investment_window
class  projection_mode_display
class  projection_mode_left
class  projection_mode_right
class  propose_attacker_solution_button
class  propose_defender_solution_button
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class  prov_map_br_overlay
class  prov_map_siege_bar
class  province_army_progress
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class  province_army_size_text
class  province_build_new_factory
class  province_build_unit
class  province_building_expand_button
class  province_building_icon
class  province_building_progress
class  province_building_window
class  province_close_button
class  province_colonisation_temperature
class  province_colony_button
class  province_consciousness_text
class  province_controller_flag
class  province_core_flags
class  province_country_flag_button
class  province_crime_fighting_text
class  province_crime_icon
class  province_crime_name_text
class  province_details_container
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class  province_dominant_ideology_text
class  province_dominant_issue_text
class  province_dominant_religion_text
class  province_flashpoint_indicator
class  province_goods_produced_text
class  province_growth_indicator
class  province_immigrator_button
class  province_immigrator_image
class  province_immigrator_window
class  province_income_text
class  province_invest_factory_button
class  province_invest_railroad_button
class  province_liferating
class  province_literacy_text
class  province_migration_text
class  province_militancy_text
class  province_modifier_icon
class  province_modifier_win
class  province_modifiers
class  province_move_capital_button
class  province_national_focus_button
class  province_navy_progress
class  province_navy_progress_text
class  province_owner_goods_produced_text
class  province_owner_income_text
class  province_owner_rgo
class  province_pop_button
class  province_pop_growth_text
class  province_population
class  province_population_per_pop_type_text
class  province_population_text
class  province_protectorate_button
class  province_rebel_percent_text
class  province_rgo
class  province_rgo_employment_percent_text
class  province_rgo_employment_progress_icon
class  province_rgo_name_text
class  province_rgo_size_text
class  province_rgo_workers_text
class  province_script_button
class  province_search_edit
class  province_search_list
class  province_search_list_item
class  province_search_window
class  province_selector_button
class  province_selector_image
class  province_selector_window
class  province_send_diplomat_button
class  province_state_name_text
class  province_supply_limit_text
class  province_terrain_image
class  province_view_buildings
class  province_view_foreign_building_icon
class  province_view_foreign_details
class  province_view_statistics
class  province_view_window
class  province_window_colony
class  province_window_header
class  province_withdraw_button
class  provincial_event_listbox
class  provincial_event_window
class  queue_unit_entry_info
class  quit_game_button
class  railroad_checkbox
class  rebel_faction_active_brigade_count_text
class  rebel_faction_name_text
class  rebel_faction_organization_text
class  rebel_faction_ready_brigade_count_text
class  rebel_faction_revolt_risk_text
class  rebel_faction_size_text
class  rebel_faction_type_icon
class  reform_name_text
class  reforms_listbox
class  reforms_option
class  reforms_reform_button
class  reforms_reform_window
class  reforms_window
class  regiment_pop_icon
class  release_agree_button
struct  release_emplace_wrapper
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class  release_nation_description_text
class  release_nation_listbox
class  release_nation_option
class  release_nation_window
class  release_nation_window_description_text
class  release_play_as_button
struct  release_query_wrapper
class  religion_type_icon
class  remove_selected_units_from_army_group_button
class  render_models_checkbox
class  reorg_unit_listbox_left
class  reorg_unit_listbox_right
class  reorg_unit_listbox_row
class  reorg_unit_transfer_button
class  reorg_win_close_button
class  resource_cost
class  restricted_main_menu_window
class  rgo_icon
class  right_click_button_element_base
class  river_checkbox
class  rr_invest_inwdow
class  rr_investment_progress
class  satisfaction_graph
class  save_and_quit_button
class  save_button
class  save_date
class  save_flag
class  save_game_item
struct  save_item
class  save_name
class  saves_listbox
class  saves_window
class  scrollable_text
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class  scrollbar_left
class  scrollbar_right
struct  scrollbar_settings
class  scrollbar_slider
class  scrollbar_track
class  secondary_worker_sort
class  select_army_group_button
class  select_gp_banned
struct  select_gp_choice_button
class  select_gp_discredited
class  select_gp_influence_detail
class  select_gp_name
class  select_gp_opinion_detail
struct  select_gp_selection_icon
class  select_save_game
class  selected_army_group_land_details_item
class  selected_army_group_land_units_list
class  selected_army_group_sea_details_item
class  selected_army_group_sea_units_list
class  selected_unit_item
class  selected_unit_list
struct  send_offer
class  set_leader_button
struct  set_target
class  show_pop_detail_button
struct  signal_global_table
struct  signal_nation_table
struct  signal_trade_good_table
class  simple_body_text
class  simple_multiline_body_text
class  simple_multiline_text
class  simple_text_element_base
class  single_multiline_text_element_base
class  small_top_right_unit_icon
class  small_top_unit_icon
class  sort_leader_attack
class  sort_leader_def
class  sort_leader_exp
class  sort_leader_morale
class  sort_leader_org
class  sort_leader_recon
class  sort_leader_reliable
class  sort_leader_speed
class  spoilers_checkbox
class  standard_listbox_scrollbar
class  standard_movement_multiline_text
class  standard_movement_text
class  standard_nation_button
class  standard_nation_icon
class  standard_nation_issue_option_text
class  standard_nation_text
class  standard_pop_needs_progress_bar
class  standard_pop_progress_bar
class  standard_rebel_faction_text
class  standard_state_instance_button
class  start_game_button
struct  state
class  state_admin_efficiency_text
class  state_aristocrat_presence_text
class  state_factory_count_text
struct  state_factory_slot
class  state_growth_indicator
class  state_infrastructure
class  state_name_text
class  state_population_text
class  stats_window
class  statswin_armyorg
class  statswin_combatwidth
class  statswin_digincap
class  statswin_navyorg
class  statswin_orgregain
class  statswin_recruittime
class  statswin_supplyconsumption
class  statswin_tactics
class  statswin_unitexperience
class  statswin_warexhaustion
class  stockpile_amount_label
class  stockpile_buy_from_stockpile_hint
class  stockpile_sell_button
class  stockpile_sell_label
class  stockpile_slider_label
struct  stockpile_target_change
class  subunit_details_entry_regiment
class  subunit_details_entry_ship
class  subunit_details_name
class  subunit_details_regiment_amount
class  subunit_details_ship_amount
class  subunit_details_type_icon
class  subunit_details_type_text
class  subunit_organisation_progress_bar
class  subunit_strength_progress_bar
class  support_attacker_button
class  support_defender_button
class  switch_to_global_button
class  switch_to_nation_button
class  switch_to_trade_good_button
class  tax_list_pop_type_icon
class  technology_folder_tab_button
class  technology_folder_tab_sub_button
class  technology_image
class  technology_item_button
class  technology_item_window
class  technology_name_text
class  technology_num_discovered_text
class  technology_possible_invention
class  technology_possible_invention_listbox
class  technology_research_points_text
class  technology_research_progress_category_text
struct  technology_select_tech
class  technology_selected_effect_text
class  technology_selected_invention
class  technology_selected_invention_image
class  technology_selected_inventions_listbox
class  technology_selected_tech_window
class  technology_sort_by_name_button
class  technology_sort_by_percent_button
class  technology_sort_by_type_button
class  technology_start_research
class  technology_tab_progress
class  technology_tech_group_window
class  technology_window
class  technology_year_text
struct  test_acceptance
struct  text_base_data
struct  text_data
class  tinted_button_element_base
class  tinted_image_element_base
class  tinted_right_click_button_element_base
class  tl_attacker_casualties
class  tl_controller_flag
class  tl_defender_casualties
class  tl_dig_in
class  tl_edge
class  tl_frame_bg
class  tl_org_bar
class  tl_sm_controller_flag
class  tl_status
class  tl_strength
class  tl_unit_1
class  tl_unit_2
struct  toggle_crisis_wargoal
class  toggle_defend_order_button
class  toggle_enforce_control_order_button
class  toggle_ferry_origin_order_button
struct  toggle_unit_grid
struct  toggle_wg_state
struct  toggled_crisis_wargoal
struct  toggled_wargoal
class  tool_tip
class  tooltip_mode_checkbox
struct  top_display_parameters
class  top_right_unit_icon
class  top_unit_icon
class  topbar_at_peace_text
class  topbar_available_decisions_icon
class  topbar_available_reforms_icon
class  topbar_budget_line_graph
class  topbar_budget_tab_button
class  topbar_building_factories_icon
class  topbar_closed_factories_icon
class  topbar_colony_icon
class  topbar_commodity_xport_icon
class  topbar_crisis_icon
class  topbar_date_text
class  topbar_diplomacy_tab_button
class  topbar_losing_gp_status_icon
class  topbar_military_tab_button
class  topbar_nation_brigade_allocation_text
class  topbar_nation_colonial_power_text
class  topbar_nation_consciousness_text
class  topbar_nation_daily_research_points_text
class  topbar_nation_diplomatic_points_text
class  topbar_nation_focus_allocation_text
class  topbar_nation_industry_score_text
class  topbar_nation_infamy_text
class  topbar_nation_leadership_points_text
class  topbar_nation_literacy_text
class  topbar_nation_militancy_text
class  topbar_nation_military_score_text
class  topbar_nation_mobilization_size_text
class  topbar_nation_name
class  topbar_nation_navy_allocation_text
class  topbar_nation_population_text
class  topbar_nation_prestige_text
class  topbar_ongoing_election_icon
class  topbar_pause_button
class  topbar_politics_tab_button
class  topbar_population_tab_button
class  topbar_population_view_button
class  topbar_production_tab_button
class  topbar_rebels_icon
class  topbar_speed_indicator
class  topbar_speeddown_button
class  topbar_speedup_button
class  topbar_sphere_icon
class  topbar_tab_button
class  topbar_technology_tab_button
class  topbar_trade_tab_button
class  topbar_treasury_text
class  topbar_unemployment_icon
class  topbar_window
class  total_peace_cost
class  tr_controller_flag
class  tr_dig_in
class  tr_edge
class  tr_frame_bg
class  tr_org_bar
class  tr_status
class  tr_strength
class  trade_commodity_entry
class  trade_commodity_entry_button
class  trade_commodity_group_window
class  trade_common_market_entry
class  trade_common_market_listbox
class  trade_confirm_trade_button
class  trade_details_button
struct  trade_details_open_window
struct  trade_details_select_commodity
class  trade_details_window
class  trade_factory_needs_listbox
class  trade_flow_consumers_piechart
class  trade_flow_data
class  trade_flow_entry
class  trade_flow_listbox_base
class  trade_flow_may_be_used_by_listbox
class  trade_flow_price_graph_window
class  trade_flow_produced_by_listbox
class  trade_flow_producers_piechart
class  trade_flow_total_produced_text
class  trade_flow_total_used_text
class  trade_flow_used_by_listbox
class  trade_flow_window
class  trade_flow_workers_piechart
class  trade_goods_needs_entry
class  trade_government_needs_listbox
class  trade_market_activity_entry
class  trade_market_activity_listbox
class  trade_pop_needs_listbox
class  trade_slider
class  trade_slider_amount
class  trade_sort_button
struct  trade_sort_data
class  trade_stockpile_entry
class  trade_stockpile_listbox
class  trade_window
struct  trigger_gp_choice
struct  truce_pair
class  u_row_art
class  u_row_art_count
class  u_row_attrit_icon
class  u_row_cav
class  u_row_cav_count
class  u_row_disband
class  u_row_inf
class  u_row_inf_count
class  u_row_location
class  u_row_new
class  u_row_org_bar
class  u_row_remove
class  u_row_split
class  u_row_str_bar
class  u_row_strength
class  ui_scale_display
class  ui_scale_left
class  ui_scale_right
class  unciv_reforms_listbox
class  unciv_reforms_option
class  unciv_reforms_reform_button
class  unciv_reforms_reform_window
class  unciv_reforms_westernize_button
class  unciv_reforms_window
class  unit_build_button
class  unit_build_button_group
class  unit_controller_flag
class  unit_counter_window
class  unit_details_ai_controlled
class  unit_details_army_listbox
class  unit_details_buttons
class  unit_details_dont_hunt_rebels
class  unit_details_hunt_rebels
class  unit_details_load_army_button
class  unit_details_navy_listbox
class  unit_details_type_item
class  unit_details_unload_army_button
class  unit_details_unload_navy_button
class  unit_details_window
class  unit_dig_in_pips_image
class  unit_experience_bar
class  unit_folder_button
class  unit_frame_bg
class  unit_grid_lb
class  unit_grid_row
class  unit_most_prevalent
class  unit_org_bar
class  unit_panel_dynamic_tinted_bg
class  unit_queue_button
class  unit_reorg_balance_button
class  unit_reorg_window
class  unit_second_most_prevalent
class  unit_selection_attrition_amount
class  unit_selection_attrition_icon
class  unit_selection_change_leader_button
class  unit_selection_close_button
class  unit_selection_disband_button
class  unit_selection_disband_too_small_button
class  unit_selection_leader_image
class  unit_selection_leader_name
class  unit_selection_new_unit_button
class  unit_selection_org_bar
class  unit_selection_panel
class  unit_selection_split_in_half_button
class  unit_selection_str_bar
class  unit_selection_total_str_text
class  unit_selection_unit_location_button
class  unit_selection_unit_location_text
class  unit_selection_unit_name_text
class  unit_status_image
class  unit_strength
class  unit_supply_bar
class  unit_type_grid_item
class  unit_type_row
class  unit_type_row_amount
class  unit_type_row_image
class  unit_type_row_label
struct  unitamounts
class  units_build_item
class  units_build_listbox
class  units_province_build_listbox
class  units_province_queue_listbox
class  units_queue_item
class  units_queue_listbox
class  units_selected_text
class  unset_leader_button
class  upper_house_piechart
struct  value_change
class  vassal_color_display
class  vassal_color_left
class  vassal_color_right
class  vertical_progress_bar
class  voter_ideology_piechart
struct  war_bar_position
class  war_bg
class  war_name_text
class  war_score_progress_bar
class  war_score_text
class  war_side_strength_text
class  wargoal_add_header
class  wargoal_add_infamy
class  wargoal_add_militancy
class  wargoal_add_prestige
class  wargoal_cancel_button
class  wargoal_cancel_country_select
class  wargoal_country_item
class  wargoal_country_item_button
class  wargoal_country_listbox
class  wargoal_country_select_window
class  wargoal_failure_header
class  wargoal_failure_militancy
class  wargoal_failure_prestige
class  wargoal_icon
class  wargoal_offer_add_infamy
class  wargoal_offer_add_window
class  wargoal_offer_agree_button
class  wargoal_offer_country_listbox
class  wargoal_offer_country_select_window
class  wargoal_offer_description1
class  wargoal_offer_description2
class  wargoal_offer_setup_window
class  wargoal_offer_title
class  wargoal_offer_type_listbox
class  wargoal_setup_window
class  wargoal_success_header
class  wargoal_success_prestige
class  wargoal_target_country_item
class  wargoal_target_country_item_button
class  wargoal_target_country_listbox
class  wargoal_target_country_select_window
class  wargoal_type_item
class  wargoal_type_item_button
class  wargoal_type_item_icon
class  wargoal_type_listbox
class  wasd_for_map_movement_checkbox
class  wg_icon
class  whole_panel_button
struct  window_data
class  window_element_base
struct  window_extension
class  window_mode_checkbox
class  workforce_piechart
class  wrapped_listbox_row_content
struct  xy_pair
class  zoom_speed_scrollbar


typedef std::variant< std::monostate, dcon::nation_id, dcon::state_instance_id, dcon::province_id > pop_list_filter
using event_data_wrapper = std::variant< event::pending_human_n_event, event::pending_human_f_n_event, event::pending_human_p_event, event::pending_human_f_p_event >
using ui_hook_fn = std::unique_ptr< element_base >(*)(sys::state &, dcon::gui_def_id)
using outliner_data = std::variant< outliner_filter, dcon::army_id, dcon::navy_id, dcon::gp_relationship_id, dcon::state_building_construction_id, dcon::province_building_construction_id, dcon::province_land_construction_id, dcon::province_naval_construction_id, dcon::state_instance_id, outliner_rebel_occupation, outliner_hostile_siege, outliner_my_siege, dcon::land_battle_id, dcon::naval_battle_id, outliner_rally_point >
using unit_var = std::variant< std::monostate, dcon::army_id, dcon::navy_id >
using grid_row = std::array< unit_var, 4 >
using army_group_unit_type_info_optional = std::variant< std::monostate, army_group_unit_type_info >
using army_group_unit_type_info_grid_row = std::array< army_group_unit_type_info_optional, 3 >
using pop_left_side_data = std::variant< std::monostate, dcon::nation_id, dcon::state_instance_id, dcon::province_id >
using pop_left_side_expand_action = std::variant< std::monostate, dcon::state_instance_id, bool >
using pop_details_needs_data = std::pair< dcon::commodity_id, float >
using pop_details_data = std::variant< std::monostate, dcon::pop_id >
typedef std::variant< std::monostate, dcon::pop_type_id, bool > pop_filter_data
typedef std::variant< dcon::province_building_construction_id, dcon::state_building_construction_id > production_project_data


enum class  production_sort_order {
  name , factories , primary_workers , secondary_workers ,
  owners , infrastructure
enum class  production_window_tab : uint8_t { factories = 0x0 , investments = 0x1 , projects = 0x2 , goods = 0x3 }
enum class  country_list_sort : uint8_t {
  country , boss , economic_rank , military_rank ,
  prestige_rank , total_rank , relation , opinion ,
  priority , player_investment , player_influence , factories ,
  gp_influence = 0x40 , gp_investment = 0x80
enum class  country_list_filter : uint8_t {
  all , neighbors , sphere , enemies ,
  allies , find_allies , neighbors_no_vassals , influenced ,
  deselect_all , best_guess , continent
enum class  mouse_probe_type { click , tooltip , scroll }
enum  event_pool_slot : uint8_t {
  country , country_election , country_major , province ,
enum class  object_type : uint8_t {
  generic_sprite = 0x00 , bordered_rect = 0x01 , horizontal_progress_bar = 0x02 , vertical_progress_bar = 0x03 ,
  flag_mask = 0x04 , tile_sprite = 0x05 , text_sprite = 0x06 , barchart = 0x07 ,
  piechart = 0x08 , linegraph = 0x09
enum class  element_type : uint8_t {
  button = 0x01 , text = 0x02 , image = 0x03 , position = 0x04 ,
  overlapping = 0x05 , listbox = 0x06 , scrollbar = 0x07 , window = 0x00
enum class  alignment : uint8_t { left = 0x00 , right = 0x01 , centered = 0x02 , justified = 0x03 }
enum class  rotation : uint8_t { upright = (0x00 << rotation_bit_offset) , r90_left = (0x01 << rotation_bit_offset) , r90_right = (0x02 << rotation_bit_offset) }
enum class  orientation : uint8_t {
  upper_left = (0x00 << orientation_bit_offset) , upper_right = (0x01 << orientation_bit_offset) , lower_left = (0x02 << orientation_bit_offset) , lower_right = (0x03 << orientation_bit_offset) ,
  upper_center = (0x04 << orientation_bit_offset) , lower_center = (0x05 << orientation_bit_offset) , center = (0x06 << orientation_bit_offset)
enum class  clicksound : uint16_t { none = (0x00 << clicksound_bit_offset) , click = (0x01 << clicksound_bit_offset) , close_window = (0x02 << clicksound_bit_offset) , start_game = (0x03 << clicksound_bit_offset) }
enum class  button_scripting : uint16_t { none = (0x00 << button_scripting_bit_offset) , province = (0x01 << button_scripting_bit_offset) , nation = (0x02 << button_scripting_bit_offset) }
enum class  text_background : uint8_t { none = (0x00 << text_background_bit_offset) , tiles_dialog = (0x01 << text_background_bit_offset) , transparency = (0x02 << text_background_bit_offset) , small_tiles_dialog = (0x03 << text_background_bit_offset) }
enum class  step_size : uint8_t {
  one = 0x00 , two = 0x01 , one_tenth = 0x02 , one_hundredth = 0x03 ,
  one_thousandth = 0x04 , twenty_five = 0x40
enum class  message_result { unseen , seen , consumed }
enum class  focus_result { ignored , accepted }
enum class  tooltip_behavior { tooltip , variable_tooltip , position_sensitive_tooltip , no_tooltip }
enum class  lc_mod_type {
  terrain , river , dice , digin ,
  leader , gas
enum class  regiment_rank { attacker_front , attacker_back , defender_front , defender_back }
enum class  leader_select_sort {
  attack , defense , recon , morale ,
  reliability , org , speed , experience
enum class  ledger_sort_type {
  country_name , country_status , military_score , industrial_score ,
  prestige , total_score , total_pop , provinces ,
  factories , leadership , literacy , brigades ,
  ships , government_type , ruling_party , ruling_ideology ,
  national_value , militancy , conciousness , religion ,
  culture , dom_issue , dom_ideology , province_name ,
  state_name , commodity_type , output_amount , profit ,
  employment , rgo_size , factory_level , gdp ,
  gdp_capita , sol
enum class  main_menu_sub_window { controls , audio , graphics , message_settings }
enum class  message_settings_category : uint8_t {
  all , combat , diplomacy , units ,
  provinces , events , others , count
enum class  modifier_display_type : uint8_t { integer , percent , fp_two_places , fp_three_places }
enum class  picker_sort { name , mil_rank , indust_rank , p_rank }
enum class  outliner_filter : uint8_t {
  rebel_occupations , sieges , hostile_sieges , combat ,
  naval_combat , armies , navies , factories ,
  buildings , army_construction , navy_construction , gp_influence ,
  national_focus , rally_points , count
enum class  outline_color : uint8_t {
  gray = 0 , gold = 1 , blue = 2 , cyan = 3 ,
  red = 4
enum class  unitpanel_action : uint8_t {
  close , reorg , split , disband ,
  changeleader , temp
enum class  reorg_win_action : uint8_t { close = 0 , balance = 1 }
enum class  diplomacy_action : uint8_t {
  ally , cancel_ally , call_ally , military_access ,
  cancel_military_access , give_military_access , cancel_give_military_access , increase_relations ,
  decrease_relations , war_subsidies , cancel_war_subsidies , declare_war ,
  command_units , cancel_command_units , increase_opinion , add_to_sphere ,
  remove_from_sphere , justify_war , make_peace , crisis_backdown ,
  crisis_support , add_wargoal , state_transfer
enum class  gp_choice_actions { discredit , expel_advisors , ban_embassy , decrease_opinion }
enum class  budget_slider_target : uint8_t {
  poor_tax , middle_tax , rich_tax , army_stock ,
  navy_stock , construction_stock , education , admin ,
  social , military , tariffs , domestic_investment ,
  raw , overseas , stockpile_filling , diplomatic_interest ,
  interest , subsidies , gold_income , target_count
enum class  slider_scaling : uint8_t { linear , quadratic }
enum class  diplomacy_window_tab : uint8_t { great_powers = 0x0 , wars = 0x1 , casus_belli = 0x2 , crisis = 0x3 }
enum class  politics_window_tab : uint8_t { reforms = 0x0 , movements = 0x1 , decisions = 0x2 , releasables = 0x3 }
enum class  politics_issue_sort_order : uint8_t { name , popular_support , voter_support }
enum class  pop_list_sort : uint8_t {
  size , type , nationality , religion ,
  location , mil , con , ideology ,
  issues , unemployment , cash , life_needs ,
  everyday_needs , luxury_needs , revoltrisk , change ,
enum class  invention_sort_type { name , type , chance }
enum class  trade_sort : uint8_t {
  commodity , stockpile , stockpile_change , price ,
  demand_satisfaction , needs , market , real_demand ,
  domestic_market , global_market_pool
enum class  trade_sort_assoc : uint8_t {
  market_activity , stockpile , common_market , needs_government ,
  needs_factories , needs_pops
enum class  movements_sort_order { size , radicalism , name }
enum class  production_action : uint8_t { investment_window , foreign_invest_window }


void create_in_game_windows (sys::state &state)
void open_chat_before_game (sys::state &state)
void open_chat_during_game (sys::state &state)
void open_chat_window (sys::state &state)
bool country_category_filter_check (sys::state &state, country_list_filter filt, dcon::nation_id a, dcon::nation_id b)
void sort_countries (sys::state &state, std::vector< dcon::nation_id > &list, country_list_sort sort, bool sort_ascend)
std::string get_status_text (sys::state &state, dcon::nation_id nation_id)
void open_build_foreign_factory (sys::state &state, dcon::state_instance_id st)
void open_foreign_investment (sys::state &state, dcon::nation_id n)
void initialize_console_fif_environment (sys::state &state)
std::string format_fif_value (sys::state &state, int64_t data, int32_t type)
void effect_description (sys::state &state, text::layout_base &layout, dcon::effect_key k, int32_t primary_slot, int32_t this_slot, int32_t from_slot, uint32_t r_lo, uint32_t r_hi)
template<typename T >
retrieve (sys::state &state, element_base *parent)
template<typename T >
void send (sys::state &state, element_base *parent, T value)
template<typename T >
send_and_retrieve (sys::state &state, element_base *parent, T value)
void trigger_description (sys::state &state, text::layout_base &layout, dcon::trigger_key k, int32_t primary_slot=-1, int32_t this_slot=-1, int32_t from_slot=-1)
void multiplicative_value_modifier_description (sys::state &state, text::layout_base &layout, dcon::value_modifier_key modifier, int32_t primary, int32_t this_slot, int32_t from_slot)
void additive_value_modifier_description (sys::state &state, text::layout_base &layout, dcon::value_modifier_key modifier, int32_t primary, int32_t this_slot, int32_t from_slot)
void modifier_description (sys::state &state, text::layout_base &layout, dcon::modifier_id mid, int32_t indentation=0)
void active_modifiers_description (sys::state &state, text::layout_base &layout, dcon::nation_id n, int32_t identation, dcon::national_modifier_value nmid, bool header)
void active_modifiers_description (sys::state &state, text::layout_base &layout, dcon::province_id p, int32_t identation, dcon::provincial_modifier_value nmid, bool have_header)
void invention_description (sys::state &state, text::layout_base &contents, dcon::invention_id inv_id, int32_t indent) noexcept
void technology_description (sys::state &state, text::layout_base &contents, dcon::technology_id tech_id) noexcept
void reform_description (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::issue_option_id ref)
void reform_description (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::reform_option_id ref)
void reform_rules_description (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, uint32_t rules)
message_result greater_result (message_result a, message_result b)
ogl::color_modification get_color_modification (bool is_under_mouse, bool is_disabled, bool is_interactable)
uint32_t internal_get_interactable_disabled_color (float r, float g, float b)
uint32_t internal_get_interactable_color (float r, float g, float b)
uint32_t internal_get_disabled_color (float r, float g, float b)
void render_text_chunk (sys::state &state, text::text_chunk t, float x, float baseline_y, uint16_t font_id, ogl::color3f text_color, ogl::color_modification cmod)
ogl::color3f get_text_color (sys::state &state, text::text_color text_color)
void make_size_from_graphics (sys::state &state, ui::element_data &dat)
std::unique_ptr< element_basemake_element (sys::state &state, std::string_view name)
std::unique_ptr< element_basemake_element_immediate (sys::state &state, dcon::gui_def_id id)
void populate_shortcut_tooltip (sys::state &state, ui::element_base &elm, text::columnar_layout &contents) noexcept
template<typename T , typename ... Params>
std::unique_ptr< element_basemake_element_by_type (sys::state &state, std::string_view name, Params &&... params)
template<typename T , typename ... Params>
std::unique_ptr< T > make_element_by_type (sys::state &state, dcon::gui_def_id id, Params &&... params)
void popup_error_window (sys::state &state, std::string_view title, std::string_view body)
void populate_event_submap (sys::state &state, text::substitution_map &sub, std::variant< event::pending_human_n_event, event::pending_human_f_n_event, event::pending_human_p_event, event::pending_human_f_p_event > const &phe) noexcept
void close_expired_event_windows (sys::state &state)
void clear_event_windows (sys::state &state)
bool events_pause_test (sys::state &state)
template<typename T >
void new_event_window_1 (sys::state &state, event_data_wrapper &dat, event_pool_slot e_slot)
void new_event_window (sys::state &state, event_data_wrapper dat)
void load_text_gui_definitions (sys::state &state, parsers::building_gfx_context &context, parsers::error_handler &err)
int16_t child_relative_location_y_component (element_base const &parent, element_base const &child)
xy_pair child_relative_non_mirror_location (sys::state &state, element_base const &parent, element_base const &child)
xy_pair child_relative_location (sys::state &state, element_base const &parent, element_base const &child)
xy_pair get_absolute_location (sys::state &state, element_base const &node)
xy_pair get_absolute_non_mirror_location (sys::state &state, element_base const &node)
int32_t ui_width (sys::state const &state)
int32_t ui_height (sys::state const &state)
void populate_definitions_map (sys::state &state)
template<typename T >
constexpr ui_hook_fn hook ()
void show_main_menu_nation_basic (sys::state &state)
void show_main_menu_nation_picker (sys::state &state)
void open_leader_selection (sys::state &state, dcon::army_id a, dcon::navy_id v, int32_t x, int32_t y)
void display_leader_attributes (sys::state &state, dcon::leader_id lid, text::layout_base &contents, int32_t indent)
void display_leader_full (sys::state &state, dcon::leader_id lid, text::layout_base &contents, int32_t indent)
uint32_t get_ui_scale_index (float current_scale)
std::string get_setting_text_key (int32_t type)
std::string format_modifier_value (sys::state &state, float value, modifier_display_type type)
void active_single_modifier_description (sys::state &state, text::layout_base &layout, dcon::modifier_id mid, int32_t indentation, bool &header, dcon::national_modifier_value nmid, float scaled)
void active_single_modifier_description (sys::state &state, text::layout_base &layout, dcon::modifier_id mid, int32_t indentation, bool &header, dcon::provincial_modifier_value pmid, float scaled)
template<typename T >
void acting_modifiers_description_province (sys::state &state, text::layout_base &layout, dcon::province_id p, int32_t identation, bool &header, T nmid)
void province_owner_rgo_draw_tooltip (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov_id) noexcept
int32_t status_frame (sys::state &state, dcon::army_id a)
int32_t status_frame (sys::state &state, dcon::navy_id a)
outline_color to_color (sys::state &state, unit_var display_unit)
bool color_equivalent (outline_color a, outline_color b)
bool color_less (outline_color a, outline_color b)
bool unit_var_ordering (sys::state &state, unit_var a, unit_var b)
float selected_relative_attrition_amount (sys::state &state, dcon::nation_id n, std::vector< dcon::army_id > &list, dcon::province_id prov)
void country_name_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void terrain_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void political_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void militancy_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void diplomatic_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void region_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void infrastructure_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void colonial_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void admin_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void recruitment_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void nationalfocus_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void rgooutput_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void population_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void nationality_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void sphere_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void supply_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void party_loyalty_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void rank_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void migration_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void civilsation_level_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void relation_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void crisis_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void naval_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void religion_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void issues_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void income_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void ideology_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void con_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void employment_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void literacy_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void factory_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void fort_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void growth_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void revolt_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void players_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void life_needs_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void everyday_needs_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void luxury_needs_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void officers_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void ctc_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void life_rating_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void crime_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void rally_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void workforce_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void mobilization_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void picking_map_tt_box (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void populate_map_tooltip (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
int32_t calculate_partial_score (sys::state &state, dcon::nation_id target, dcon::cb_type_id id, dcon::state_definition_id state_def, dcon::national_identity_id second_nation)
void explain_influence (sys::state &state, dcon::nation_id target, text::columnar_layout &contents)
void describe_conversion (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::pop_id ids)
void describe_migration (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::pop_id ids)
void describe_colonial_migration (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::pop_id ids)
void describe_emigration (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::pop_id ids)
void describe_promotion_demotion (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::pop_id ids)
void describe_con (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::pop_id ids)
void describe_mil (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::pop_id ids)
void describe_lit (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::pop_id ids)
void describe_growth (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::pop_id ids)
void describe_assimilation (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::pop_id ids)
std::vector< dcon::pop_id > const & get_pop_window_list (sys::state &state)
dcon::pop_id get_pop_details_pop (sys::state &state)
void populate_production_states_list (sys::state &state, std::vector< dcon::state_instance_id > &row_contents, dcon::nation_id n, bool show_empty, production_sort_order sort_order)
std::string name_view_commodity_id (sys::state &state, element_base *container, dcon::commodity_id item)
bool compare_price (sys::state &state, element_base *container, const dcon::commodity_id a, const dcon::commodity_id b)
std::string price_view_commodity_id (sys::state &state, element_base *container, dcon::commodity_id item)
std::string supply_view_commodity_id (sys::state &state, element_base *container, dcon::commodity_id item)
std::string demand_view_commodity_id (sys::state &state, element_base *container, dcon::commodity_id item)
std::string balance_view_commodity_id (sys::state &state, element_base *container, dcon::commodity_id item)
std::string stockpile_market_view_commodity_id (sys::state &state, element_base *container, dcon::commodity_id item)
std::string stockpile_player_view_commodity_id (sys::state &state, element_base *container, dcon::commodity_id item)
std::string stockpile_target_player_view_commodity_id (sys::state &state, element_base *container, dcon::commodity_id item)
bool compare_name (sys::state &state, element_base *container, dcon::commodity_id a, dcon::commodity_id b)
bool compare_supply (sys::state &state, element_base *container, dcon::commodity_id a, dcon::commodity_id b)
bool compare_demand (sys::state &state, element_base *container, dcon::commodity_id a, dcon::commodity_id b)
bool compare_balance (sys::state &state, element_base *container, dcon::commodity_id a, dcon::commodity_id b)
bool compare_stockpile_market (sys::state &state, element_base *container, dcon::commodity_id a, dcon::commodity_id b)
bool compare_stockpile_player (sys::state &state, element_base *container, dcon::commodity_id a, dcon::commodity_id b)
void produce_decision_substitutions (sys::state &state, text::substitution_map &m, dcon::nation_id n)
unitamounts calc_amounts_from_army (sys::state &state, dcon::army_fat_id army)
unitamounts calc_amounts_from_navy (sys::state &state, dcon::navy_fat_id navy)
void single_unit_tooltip (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::army_id a)
void single_unit_tooltip (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::navy_id n)
void populate_armies (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void populate_navies (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)
void populate_unit_tooltip (sys::state &state, text::columnar_layout &contents, dcon::province_id prov)


constexpr uint32_t max_chat_message_len = 64
constexpr int32_t rotation_bit_offset = 3
constexpr int32_t orientation_bit_offset = 5
constexpr int32_t clicksound_bit_offset = 2
constexpr int32_t checkbox_bit_offset = clicksound_bit_offset + 2
constexpr int32_t button_scripting_bit_offset = checkbox_bit_offset + 1
constexpr int32_t text_background_bit_offset = 2
constexpr float big_counter_cutoff = 15.0f
constexpr float prov_details_cutoff = 18.0f
table::column< dcon::factory_type_id > factory_type_name
table::column< dcon::factory_type_id > factory_type_input_cost
table::column< dcon::factory_type_id > factory_type_output_cost
table::column< dcon::factory_type_id > factory_type_profit
table::column< dcon::factory_type_id > factory_type_profit_margin
table::column< dcon::factory_type_id > factory_type_cost
table::column< dcon::factory_type_id > factory_type_payback
table::column< dcon::commodity_id > trade_good_name_column
table::column< dcon::commodity_id > trade_good_price_column
table::column< dcon::commodity_id > trade_good_supply_column
table::column< dcon::commodity_id > trade_good_demand_column
table::column< dcon::commodity_id > trade_good_balance_column
table::column< dcon::commodity_id > trade_good_market_stockpile_column
table::column< dcon::commodity_id > trade_good_player_stockpile_column
table::column< dcon::commodity_id > trade_good_player_gov_needs
table::column< dcon::commodity_id > trade_good_player_factory_needs
table::column< dcon::commodity_id > trade_good_player_pop_needs
table::column< dcon::commodity_id > trade_good_production_rgo
table::column< dcon::commodity_id > trade_good_production_artisan
table::column< dcon::commodity_id > trade_good_production_factory
table::column< dcon::commodity_id > trade_good_artisan_distribution
table::column< dcon::commodity_id > trade_good_satisfaction
table::column< dcon::commodity_id > trade_good_produced_nation
table::column< dcon::commodity_id > trade_good_consumed_nation
table::column< dcon::nation_id > nation_name
table::column< dcon::nation_id > nation_production
table::column< dcon::nation_id > nation_demand
table::column< dcon::nation_id > nation_consumption

Typedef Documentation

◆ army_group_unit_type_info_grid_row

Definition at line 2386 of file gui_unit_panel.hpp.

◆ army_group_unit_type_info_optional

using ui::army_group_unit_type_info_optional = typedef std::variant<std::monostate, army_group_unit_type_info>

Definition at line 2384 of file gui_unit_panel.hpp.

◆ event_data_wrapper

◆ grid_row

using ui::grid_row = typedef std::array<unit_var, 4>

Definition at line 523 of file gui_unit_grid_box.hpp.

◆ outliner_data

using ui::outliner_data = typedef std::variant< outliner_filter, dcon::army_id, dcon::navy_id, dcon::gp_relationship_id, dcon::state_building_construction_id, dcon::province_building_construction_id, dcon::province_land_construction_id, dcon::province_naval_construction_id, dcon::state_instance_id, outliner_rebel_occupation, outliner_hostile_siege, outliner_my_siege, dcon::land_battle_id, dcon::naval_battle_id, outliner_rally_point>

Definition at line 41 of file gui_outliner_window.hpp.

◆ pop_details_data

using ui::pop_details_data = typedef std::variant< std::monostate, dcon::pop_id>

Definition at line 1788 of file gui_population_window.hpp.

◆ pop_details_needs_data

using ui::pop_details_needs_data = typedef std::pair< dcon::commodity_id, float>

Definition at line 1627 of file gui_population_window.hpp.

◆ pop_filter_data

typedef std::variant< std::monostate, dcon::pop_type_id, bool> ui::pop_filter_data

Definition at line 2220 of file gui_population_window.hpp.

◆ pop_left_side_data

using ui::pop_left_side_data = typedef std::variant< std::monostate, dcon::nation_id, dcon::state_instance_id, dcon::province_id>

Definition at line 782 of file gui_population_window.hpp.

◆ pop_left_side_expand_action

using ui::pop_left_side_expand_action = typedef std::variant< std::monostate, dcon::state_instance_id, bool>

Definition at line 823 of file gui_population_window.hpp.

◆ pop_list_filter

typedef std::variant< std::monostate, dcon::nation_id, dcon::state_instance_id, dcon::province_id> ui::pop_list_filter

Definition at line 21 of file gui_common_elements.hpp.

◆ production_project_data

typedef std::variant< dcon::province_building_construction_id, dcon::state_building_construction_id> ui::production_project_data

Definition at line 10 of file gui_projects_window.hpp.

◆ ui_hook_fn

using ui::ui_hook_fn = typedef std::unique_ptr<element_base> (*)(sys::state&, dcon::gui_def_id)

Definition at line 359 of file gui_graphics.hpp.

◆ unit_var

using ui::unit_var = typedef std::variant<std::monostate, dcon::army_id, dcon::navy_id>

Definition at line 24 of file gui_unit_grid_box.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ alignment

enum class ui::alignment : uint8_t

Definition at line 80 of file gui_graphics.hpp.

◆ budget_slider_target

enum class ui::budget_slider_target : uint8_t

Definition at line 332 of file gui_budget_window.hpp.

◆ button_scripting

enum class ui::button_scripting : uint16_t

Definition at line 129 of file gui_graphics.hpp.

◆ clicksound

enum class ui::clicksound : uint16_t

Definition at line 119 of file gui_graphics.hpp.

◆ country_list_filter

enum class ui::country_list_filter : uint8_t

Definition at line 41 of file gui_common_elements.hpp.

◆ country_list_sort

enum class ui::country_list_sort : uint8_t

Definition at line 23 of file gui_common_elements.hpp.

◆ diplomacy_action

enum class ui::diplomacy_action : uint8_t

Definition at line 9 of file gui_diplomacy_actions_window.hpp.

◆ diplomacy_window_tab

enum class ui::diplomacy_window_tab : uint8_t

Definition at line 199 of file gui_diplomacy_window.hpp.

◆ element_type

enum class ui::element_type : uint8_t

Definition at line 69 of file gui_graphics.hpp.

◆ event_pool_slot


Definition at line 121 of file gui_event.hpp.

◆ focus_result

enum class ui::focus_result

Definition at line 348 of file gui_graphics.hpp.

◆ gp_choice_actions

enum class ui::gp_choice_actions

Definition at line 35 of file gui_diplomacy_actions_window.hpp.

◆ invention_sort_type

enum class ui::invention_sort_type

Definition at line 403 of file gui_technology_window.hpp.

◆ lc_mod_type

enum class ui::lc_mod_type

Definition at line 449 of file gui_land_combat.hpp.

◆ leader_select_sort

enum class ui::leader_select_sort

Definition at line 10 of file gui_leader_select.hpp.

◆ ledger_sort_type

enum class ui::ledger_sort_type

Definition at line 16 of file gui_ledger_window.hpp.

◆ main_menu_sub_window

enum class ui::main_menu_sub_window

Definition at line 432 of file gui_main_menu.hpp.

◆ message_result

enum class ui::message_result

Definition at line 347 of file gui_graphics.hpp.

◆ message_settings_category


Definition at line 394 of file gui_message_settings_window.hpp.

◆ modifier_display_type

enum class ui::modifier_display_type : uint8_t

Definition at line 12 of file gui_modifier_tooltips.cpp.

◆ mouse_probe_type

enum class ui::mouse_probe_type

Definition at line 13 of file gui_element_base.hpp.

◆ movements_sort_order

enum class ui::movements_sort_order

Definition at line 13 of file gui_movements_window.hpp.

◆ object_type

enum class ui::object_type : uint8_t

Definition at line 18 of file gui_graphics.hpp.

◆ orientation

enum class ui::orientation : uint8_t

Definition at line 95 of file gui_graphics.hpp.

◆ outline_color

enum class ui::outline_color : uint8_t

Definition at line 20 of file gui_unit_grid_box.hpp.

◆ outliner_filter

enum class ui::outliner_filter : uint8_t

Definition at line 10 of file gui_outliner_window.hpp.

◆ picker_sort

enum class ui::picker_sort

Definition at line 494 of file gui_nation_picker.hpp.

◆ politics_issue_sort_order


Definition at line 54 of file gui_politics_window.hpp.

◆ politics_window_tab

enum class ui::politics_window_tab : uint8_t

Definition at line 52 of file gui_politics_window.hpp.

◆ pop_list_sort

enum class ui::pop_list_sort : uint8_t

Definition at line 594 of file gui_population_window.hpp.

◆ production_action

enum class ui::production_action : uint8_t

Definition at line 5 of file gui_production_enum.hpp.

◆ production_sort_order

enum class ui::production_sort_order

Definition at line 584 of file constants.hpp.

◆ production_window_tab

enum class ui::production_window_tab : uint8_t

Definition at line 585 of file constants.hpp.

◆ regiment_rank

enum class ui::regiment_rank

Definition at line 752 of file gui_land_combat.hpp.

◆ reorg_win_action

enum class ui::reorg_win_action : uint8_t

Definition at line 163 of file gui_unit_panel_subwindow.hpp.

◆ rotation

enum class ui::rotation : uint8_t

Definition at line 88 of file gui_graphics.hpp.

◆ slider_scaling

enum class ui::slider_scaling : uint8_t

Definition at line 357 of file gui_budget_window.hpp.

◆ step_size

enum class ui::step_size : uint8_t

Definition at line 217 of file gui_graphics.hpp.

◆ text_background

enum class ui::text_background : uint8_t

Definition at line 159 of file gui_graphics.hpp.

◆ tooltip_behavior

enum class ui::tooltip_behavior

Definition at line 349 of file gui_graphics.hpp.

◆ trade_sort

enum class ui::trade_sort : uint8_t

Definition at line 119 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

◆ trade_sort_assoc

enum class ui::trade_sort_assoc : uint8_t

Definition at line 131 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

◆ unitpanel_action

enum class ui::unitpanel_action : uint8_t

Definition at line 14 of file gui_unit_panel.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ acting_modifiers_description_province()

template<typename T >
void ui::acting_modifiers_description_province ( sys::state state,
text::layout_base layout,
dcon::province_id  p,
int32_t  identation,
bool &  header,

Definition at line 153 of file gui_modifier_tooltips.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ active_modifiers_description() [1/2]

void ui::active_modifiers_description ( sys::state state,
text::layout_base layout,
dcon::nation_id  n,
int32_t  identation,
dcon::national_modifier_value  nmid,
bool  header 

Definition at line 215 of file gui_modifier_tooltips.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ active_modifiers_description() [2/2]

void ui::active_modifiers_description ( sys::state state,
text::layout_base layout,
dcon::province_id  p,
int32_t  identation,
dcon::provincial_modifier_value  nmid,
bool  have_header 

Definition at line 209 of file gui_modifier_tooltips.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ active_single_modifier_description() [1/2]

void ui::active_single_modifier_description ( sys::state state,
text::layout_base layout,
dcon::modifier_id  mid,
int32_t  indentation,
bool &  header,
dcon::national_modifier_value  nmid,
float  scaled 

Definition at line 85 of file gui_modifier_tooltips.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ active_single_modifier_description() [2/2]

void ui::active_single_modifier_description ( sys::state state,
text::layout_base layout,
dcon::modifier_id  mid,
int32_t  indentation,
bool &  header,
dcon::provincial_modifier_value  pmid,
float  scaled 

Definition at line 118 of file gui_modifier_tooltips.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ additive_value_modifier_description()

void ui::additive_value_modifier_description ( sys::state state,
text::layout_base layout,
dcon::value_modifier_key  modifier,
int32_t  primary,
int32_t  this_slot,
int32_t  from_slot 

Definition at line 8525 of file gui_trigger_tooltips.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ admin_map_tt_box()

void ui::admin_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 278 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ balance_view_commodity_id()

std::string ui::balance_view_commodity_id ( sys::state state,
element_base container,
dcon::commodity_id  item 

Definition at line 1215 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calc_amounts_from_army()

unitamounts ui::calc_amounts_from_army ( sys::state state,
dcon::army_fat_id  army 

Definition at line 7 of file unit_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calc_amounts_from_navy()

unitamounts ui::calc_amounts_from_navy ( sys::state state,
dcon::navy_fat_id  navy 

Definition at line 25 of file unit_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calculate_partial_score()

int32_t ui::calculate_partial_score ( sys::state state,
dcon::nation_id  target,
dcon::cb_type_id  id,
dcon::state_definition_id  state_def,
dcon::national_identity_id  second_nation 

Definition at line 731 of file gui_pick_wargoal_window.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ child_relative_location()

xy_pair ui::child_relative_location ( sys::state state,
element_base const &  parent,
element_base const &  child 

Definition at line 141 of file gui_graphics.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ child_relative_location_y_component()

int16_t ui::child_relative_location_y_component ( element_base const &  parent,
element_base const &  child 

Definition at line 101 of file gui_graphics.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ child_relative_non_mirror_location()

xy_pair ui::child_relative_non_mirror_location ( sys::state state,
element_base const &  parent,
element_base const &  child 

Definition at line 123 of file gui_graphics.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ civilsation_level_map_tt_box()

void ui::civilsation_level_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 648 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ clear_event_windows()

void ui::clear_event_windows ( sys::state state)

Definition at line 1152 of file gui_event.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ close_expired_event_windows()

void ui::close_expired_event_windows ( sys::state state)

Definition at line 1146 of file gui_event.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ colonial_map_tt_box()

void ui::colonial_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 232 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ color_equivalent()

bool ui::color_equivalent ( outline_color  a,
outline_color  b 

Definition at line 449 of file gui_unit_grid_box.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ color_less()

bool ui::color_less ( outline_color  a,
outline_color  b 

Definition at line 458 of file gui_unit_grid_box.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ compare_balance()

bool ui::compare_balance ( sys::state state,
element_base container,
dcon::commodity_id  a,
dcon::commodity_id  b 

Definition at line 1252 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ compare_demand()

bool ui::compare_demand ( sys::state state,
element_base container,
dcon::commodity_id  a,
dcon::commodity_id  b 

Definition at line 1247 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ compare_name()

bool ui::compare_name ( sys::state state,
element_base container,
dcon::commodity_id  a,
dcon::commodity_id  b 

Definition at line 1231 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ compare_price()

bool ui::compare_price ( sys::state state,
element_base container,
const dcon::commodity_id  a,
const dcon::commodity_id  b 

Definition at line 1200 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ compare_stockpile_market()

bool ui::compare_stockpile_market ( sys::state state,
element_base container,
dcon::commodity_id  a,
dcon::commodity_id  b 

Definition at line 1263 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ compare_stockpile_player()

bool ui::compare_stockpile_player ( sys::state state,
element_base container,
dcon::commodity_id  a,
dcon::commodity_id  b 

Definition at line 1268 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ compare_supply()

bool ui::compare_supply ( sys::state state,
element_base container,
dcon::commodity_id  a,
dcon::commodity_id  b 

Definition at line 1242 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ con_map_tt_box()

void ui::con_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 904 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ country_category_filter_check()

bool ui::country_category_filter_check ( sys::state state,
country_list_filter  filt,
dcon::nation_id  a,
dcon::nation_id  b 

Definition at line 5 of file gui_common_elements.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ country_name_box()

void ui::country_name_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 43 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ create_in_game_windows()

void ui::create_in_game_windows ( sys::state state)

Definition at line 44 of file system_state.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ crime_map_tt_box()

void ui::crime_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 1202 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ crisis_map_tt_box()

void ui::crisis_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 742 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ctc_map_tt_box()

void ui::ctc_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 1174 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ demand_view_commodity_id()

std::string ui::demand_view_commodity_id ( sys::state state,
element_base container,
dcon::commodity_id  item 

Definition at line 1212 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ describe_assimilation()

void ui::describe_assimilation ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::pop_id  ids 

Definition at line 580 of file gui_population_window.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ describe_colonial_migration()

void ui::describe_colonial_migration ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::pop_id  ids 

Definition at line 82 of file gui_population_window.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ describe_con()

void ui::describe_con ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::pop_id  ids 

Definition at line 226 of file gui_population_window.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ describe_conversion()

void ui::describe_conversion ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::pop_id  ids 

Definition at line 9 of file gui_population_window.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ describe_emigration()

void ui::describe_emigration ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::pop_id  ids 

Definition at line 125 of file gui_population_window.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ describe_growth()

void ui::describe_growth ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::pop_id  ids 

Definition at line 518 of file gui_population_window.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ describe_lit()

void ui::describe_lit ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::pop_id  ids 

Definition at line 477 of file gui_population_window.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ describe_migration()

void ui::describe_migration ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::pop_id  ids 

Definition at line 55 of file gui_population_window.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ describe_mil()

void ui::describe_mil ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::pop_id  ids 

Definition at line 339 of file gui_population_window.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ describe_promotion_demotion()

void ui::describe_promotion_demotion ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::pop_id  ids 

Definition at line 161 of file gui_population_window.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ diplomatic_map_tt_box()

void ui::diplomatic_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 156 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ display_leader_attributes()

void ui::display_leader_attributes ( sys::state state,
dcon::leader_id  lid,
text::layout_base contents,
int32_t  indent 

Definition at line 4 of file gui_leader_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ display_leader_full()

void ui::display_leader_full ( sys::state state,
dcon::leader_id  lid,
text::layout_base contents,
int32_t  indent 

Definition at line 114 of file gui_leader_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ effect_description()

void ui::effect_description ( sys::state state,
text::layout_base layout,
dcon::effect_key  k,
int32_t  primary_slot,
int32_t  this_slot,
int32_t  from_slot,
uint32_t  r_lo,
uint32_t  r_hi 

Definition at line 7256 of file gui_effect_tooltips.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ employment_map_tt_box()

void ui::employment_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 918 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ events_pause_test()

bool ui::events_pause_test ( sys::state state)

Definition at line 1161 of file gui_event.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ everyday_needs_map_tt_box()

void ui::everyday_needs_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 1118 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ explain_influence()

void ui::explain_influence ( sys::state state,
dcon::nation_id  target,
text::columnar_layout contents 

Definition at line 298 of file gui_diplomacy_window.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ factory_map_tt_box()

void ui::factory_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 950 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ format_fif_value()

std::string ui::format_fif_value ( sys::state state,
int64_t  data,
int32_t  type 

Definition at line 1415 of file gui_console.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ format_modifier_value()

std::string ui::format_modifier_value ( sys::state state,
float  value,
modifier_display_type  type 

Definition at line 37 of file gui_modifier_tooltips.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fort_map_tt_box()

void ui::fort_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 987 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_absolute_location()

xy_pair ui::get_absolute_location ( sys::state state,
element_base const &  node 

Definition at line 285 of file gui_graphics.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_absolute_non_mirror_location()

xy_pair ui::get_absolute_non_mirror_location ( sys::state state,
element_base const &  node 

Definition at line 300 of file gui_graphics.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_color_modification()

ogl::color_modification ui::get_color_modification ( bool  is_under_mouse,
bool  is_disabled,
bool  is_interactable 

Definition at line 138 of file gui_element_types.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_pop_details_pop()

dcon::pop_id ui::get_pop_details_pop ( sys::state state)

Definition at line 675 of file gui_population_window.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_pop_window_list()

std::vector< dcon::pop_id > const & ui::get_pop_window_list ( sys::state state)

Definition at line 668 of file gui_population_window.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_setting_text_key()

std::string ui::get_setting_text_key ( int32_t  type)

Definition at line 9 of file gui_message_settings_window.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_status_text()

std::string ui::get_status_text ( sys::state state,
dcon::nation_id  nation_id 

Definition at line 177 of file gui_common_elements.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_text_color()

ogl::color3f ui::get_text_color ( sys::state state,
text::text_color  text_color 

Definition at line 445 of file gui_element_types.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_ui_scale_index()

uint32_t ui::get_ui_scale_index ( float  current_scale)

Definition at line 30 of file gui_main_menu.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ greater_result()

message_result ui::greater_result ( message_result  a,
message_result  b 

Definition at line 28 of file gui_element_types.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ growth_map_tt_box()

void ui::growth_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 1012 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hook()

template<typename T >
constexpr ui_hook_fn ui::hook ( )

Definition at line 520 of file gui_graphics.hpp.

◆ ideology_map_tt_box()

void ui::ideology_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 873 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ income_map_tt_box()

void ui::income_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 857 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ infrastructure_map_tt_box()

void ui::infrastructure_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 217 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ initialize_console_fif_environment()

void ui::initialize_console_fif_environment ( sys::state state)

Definition at line 1215 of file gui_console.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ internal_get_disabled_color()

uint32_t ui::internal_get_disabled_color ( float  r,
float  g,
float  b 

Definition at line 249 of file gui_element_types.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ internal_get_interactable_color()

uint32_t ui::internal_get_interactable_color ( float  r,
float  g,
float  b 

Definition at line 246 of file gui_element_types.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ internal_get_interactable_disabled_color()

uint32_t ui::internal_get_interactable_disabled_color ( float  r,
float  g,
float  b 

Definition at line 242 of file gui_element_types.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ invention_description()

void ui::invention_description ( sys::state state,
text::layout_base contents,
dcon::invention_id  inv_id,
int32_t  indent 

Definition at line 5 of file gui_technology_window.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ issues_map_tt_box()

void ui::issues_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 827 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ life_needs_map_tt_box()

void ui::life_needs_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 1098 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ life_rating_map_tt_box()

void ui::life_rating_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 1191 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ literacy_map_tt_box()

void ui::literacy_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 934 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ load_text_gui_definitions()

void ui::load_text_gui_definitions ( sys::state state,
parsers::building_gfx_context context,
parsers::error_handler err 

Definition at line 7 of file gui_graphics.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ luxury_needs_map_tt_box()

void ui::luxury_needs_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 1138 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ make_element()

std::unique_ptr< element_base > ui::make_element ( sys::state state,
std::string_view  name 

Definition at line 1193 of file gui_element_types.cpp.

◆ make_element_by_type() [1/2]

template<typename T , typename ... Params>
std::unique_ptr< T > ui::make_element_by_type ( sys::state state,
dcon::gui_def_id  id,
Params &&...  params 

Definition at line 32 of file gui_element_types.hpp.

◆ make_element_by_type() [2/2]

template<typename T , typename ... Params>
std::unique_ptr< element_base > ui::make_element_by_type ( sys::state state,
std::string_view  name,
Params &&...  params 

Definition at line 20 of file gui_element_types.hpp.

◆ make_element_immediate()

std::unique_ptr< element_base > ui::make_element_immediate ( sys::state state,
dcon::gui_def_id  id 

Definition at line 2254 of file gui_element_types.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ make_size_from_graphics()

void ui::make_size_from_graphics ( sys::state state,
ui::element_data dat 

Definition at line 1163 of file gui_element_types.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ migration_map_tt_box()

void ui::migration_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 543 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ militancy_map_tt_box()

void ui::militancy_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 143 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mobilization_map_tt_box()

void ui::mobilization_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 1249 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ modifier_description()

void ui::modifier_description ( sys::state state,
text::layout_base layout,
dcon::modifier_id  mid,
int32_t  indentation = 0 

Definition at line 51 of file gui_modifier_tooltips.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ multiplicative_value_modifier_description()

void ui::multiplicative_value_modifier_description ( sys::state state,
text::layout_base layout,
dcon::value_modifier_key  modifier,
int32_t  primary,
int32_t  this_slot,
int32_t  from_slot 

Definition at line 8488 of file gui_trigger_tooltips.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ name_view_commodity_id()

std::string ui::name_view_commodity_id ( sys::state state,
element_base container,
dcon::commodity_id  item 

Definition at line 1193 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nationalfocus_map_tt_box()

void ui::nationalfocus_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 326 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nationality_map_tt_box()

void ui::nationality_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 370 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ naval_map_tt_box()

void ui::naval_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 753 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ new_event_window()

void ui::new_event_window ( sys::state state,
event_data_wrapper  dat 

Definition at line 1189 of file gui_event.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ new_event_window_1()

template<typename T >
void ui::new_event_window_1 ( sys::state state,
event_data_wrapper dat,
event_pool_slot  e_slot 

Definition at line 1169 of file gui_event.cpp.

◆ officers_map_tt_box()

void ui::officers_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 1158 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ open_build_foreign_factory()

void ui::open_build_foreign_factory ( sys::state state,
dcon::state_instance_id  st 

Definition at line 118 of file gui_production_window.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ open_chat_before_game()

void ui::open_chat_before_game ( sys::state state)

Definition at line 322 of file gui_chat_window.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ open_chat_during_game()

void ui::open_chat_during_game ( sys::state state)

Definition at line 328 of file gui_chat_window.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ open_chat_window()

void ui::open_chat_window ( sys::state state)

Definition at line 334 of file gui_chat_window.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ open_foreign_investment()

void ui::open_foreign_investment ( sys::state state,
dcon::nation_id  n 

Definition at line 107 of file gui_production_window.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ open_leader_selection()

void ui::open_leader_selection ( sys::state state,
dcon::army_id  a,
dcon::navy_id  v,
int32_t  x,
int32_t  y 

Definition at line 4 of file gui_leader_select.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ party_loyalty_map_tt_box()

void ui::party_loyalty_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 484 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ picking_map_tt_box()

void ui::picking_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 1268 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ players_map_tt_box()

void ui::players_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 1073 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ political_map_tt_box()

void ui::political_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 123 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ populate_armies()

void ui::populate_armies ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 143 of file unit_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ populate_definitions_map()

void ui::populate_definitions_map ( sys::state state)

Definition at line 317 of file gui_graphics.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ populate_event_submap()

void ui::populate_event_submap ( sys::state state,
text::substitution_map sub,
std::variant< event::pending_human_n_event, event::pending_human_f_n_event, event::pending_human_p_event, event::pending_human_f_p_event > const &  phe 

Definition at line 12 of file gui_event.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ populate_map_tooltip()

void ui::populate_map_tooltip ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 1337 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ populate_navies()

void ui::populate_navies ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 151 of file unit_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ populate_production_states_list()

void ui::populate_production_states_list ( sys::state state,
std::vector< dcon::state_instance_id > &  row_contents,
dcon::nation_id  n,
bool  show_empty,
production_sort_order  sort_order 

Definition at line 5 of file gui_production_window.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ populate_shortcut_tooltip()

void ui::populate_shortcut_tooltip ( sys::state state,
ui::element_base elm,
text::columnar_layout contents 

Definition at line 2643 of file gui_element_types.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ populate_unit_tooltip()

void ui::populate_unit_tooltip ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 159 of file unit_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ population_map_tt_box()

void ui::population_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 352 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ popup_error_window()

void ui::popup_error_window ( sys::state state,
std::string_view  title,
std::string_view  body 

Definition at line 62 of file gui_error_window.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ price_view_commodity_id()

std::string ui::price_view_commodity_id ( sys::state state,
element_base container,
dcon::commodity_id  item 

Definition at line 1206 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ produce_decision_substitutions()

void ui::produce_decision_substitutions ( sys::state state,
text::substitution_map m,
dcon::nation_id  n 

Definition at line 11 of file gui_decision_window.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ province_owner_rgo_draw_tooltip()

void ui::province_owner_rgo_draw_tooltip ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov_id 

Definition at line 5 of file gui_province_window.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rally_map_tt_box()

void ui::rally_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 1214 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rank_map_tt_box()

void ui::rank_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 513 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ recruitment_map_tt_box()

void ui::recruitment_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 294 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ reform_description() [1/2]

void ui::reform_description ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::issue_option_id  ref 

Definition at line 100 of file gui_reforms_window.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ reform_description() [2/2]

void ui::reform_description ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::reform_option_id  ref 

Definition at line 14 of file gui_unciv_reforms_window.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ reform_rules_description()

void ui::reform_rules_description ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
uint32_t  rules 

Definition at line 9 of file gui_reforms_window.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ region_map_tt_box()

void ui::region_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 202 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ relation_map_tt_box()

void ui::relation_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 710 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ religion_map_tt_box()

void ui::religion_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 796 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_text_chunk()

void ui::render_text_chunk ( sys::state state,
text::text_chunk  t,
float  x,
float  baseline_y,
uint16_t  font_id,
ogl::color3f  text_color,
ogl::color_modification  cmod 

Definition at line 254 of file gui_element_types.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ retrieve()

template<typename T >
T ui::retrieve ( sys::state state,
element_base parent 

Definition at line 127 of file gui_element_base.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ revolt_map_tt_box()

void ui::revolt_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 1026 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rgooutput_map_tt_box()

void ui::rgooutput_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 341 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ selected_relative_attrition_amount()

float ui::selected_relative_attrition_amount ( sys::state state,
dcon::nation_id  n,
std::vector< dcon::army_id > &  list,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 8 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ send()

template<typename T >
void ui::send ( sys::state state,
element_base parent,

Definition at line 138 of file gui_element_base.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ send_and_retrieve()

template<typename T >
T ui::send_and_retrieve ( sys::state state,
element_base parent,

Definition at line 146 of file gui_element_base.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ show_main_menu_nation_basic()

void ui::show_main_menu_nation_basic ( sys::state state)

Definition at line 19 of file gui_main_menu.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ show_main_menu_nation_picker()

void ui::show_main_menu_nation_picker ( sys::state state)

Definition at line 8 of file gui_main_menu.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ single_unit_tooltip() [1/2]

void ui::single_unit_tooltip ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::army_id  a 

Definition at line 43 of file unit_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ single_unit_tooltip() [2/2]

void ui::single_unit_tooltip ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::navy_id  n 

Definition at line 93 of file unit_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ sort_countries()

void ui::sort_countries ( sys::state state,
std::vector< dcon::nation_id > &  list,
country_list_sort  sort,
bool  sort_ascend 

Definition at line 36 of file gui_common_elements.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sphere_map_tt_box()

void ui::sphere_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 400 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ status_frame() [1/2]

int32_t ui::status_frame ( sys::state state,
dcon::army_id  a 

Definition at line 109 of file gui_unit_grid_box.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ status_frame() [2/2]

int32_t ui::status_frame ( sys::state state,
dcon::navy_id  a 

Definition at line 135 of file gui_unit_grid_box.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ stockpile_market_view_commodity_id()

std::string ui::stockpile_market_view_commodity_id ( sys::state state,
element_base container,
dcon::commodity_id  item 

Definition at line 1221 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ stockpile_player_view_commodity_id()

std::string ui::stockpile_player_view_commodity_id ( sys::state state,
element_base container,
dcon::commodity_id  item 

Definition at line 1224 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ stockpile_target_player_view_commodity_id()

std::string ui::stockpile_target_player_view_commodity_id ( sys::state state,
element_base container,
dcon::commodity_id  item 

Definition at line 1227 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ supply_map_tt_box()

void ui::supply_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 437 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ supply_view_commodity_id()

std::string ui::supply_view_commodity_id ( sys::state state,
element_base container,
dcon::commodity_id  item 

Definition at line 1209 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ technology_description()

void ui::technology_description ( sys::state state,
text::layout_base contents,
dcon::technology_id  tech_id 

Definition at line 383 of file gui_technology_window.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ terrain_map_tt_box()

void ui::terrain_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 109 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ to_color()

outline_color ui::to_color ( sys::state state,
unit_var  display_unit 

Definition at line 423 of file gui_unit_grid_box.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ trigger_description()

void ui::trigger_description ( sys::state state,
text::layout_base layout,
dcon::trigger_key  k,
int32_t  primary_slot = -1,
int32_t  this_slot = -1,
int32_t  from_slot = -1 

Definition at line 8479 of file gui_trigger_tooltips.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ui_height()

int32_t ui::ui_height ( sys::state const &  state)

Definition at line 313 of file gui_graphics.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ui_width()

int32_t ui::ui_width ( sys::state const &  state)

Definition at line 310 of file gui_graphics.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ unit_var_ordering()

bool ui::unit_var_ordering ( sys::state state,
unit_var  a,
unit_var  b 

Definition at line 525 of file gui_unit_grid_box.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ workforce_map_tt_box()

void ui::workforce_map_tt_box ( sys::state state,
text::columnar_layout contents,
dcon::province_id  prov 

Definition at line 1222 of file map_tooltip.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ big_counter_cutoff

constexpr float ui::big_counter_cutoff = 15.0f

Definition at line 14 of file gui_map_icons.hpp.

◆ button_scripting_bit_offset

constexpr int32_t ui::button_scripting_bit_offset = checkbox_bit_offset + 1

Definition at line 128 of file gui_graphics.hpp.

◆ checkbox_bit_offset

constexpr int32_t ui::checkbox_bit_offset = clicksound_bit_offset + 2

Definition at line 126 of file gui_graphics.hpp.

◆ clicksound_bit_offset

constexpr int32_t ui::clicksound_bit_offset = 2

Definition at line 118 of file gui_graphics.hpp.

◆ factory_type_cost

table::column<dcon::factory_type_id> ui::factory_type_cost
Initial value:
= {
.sortable = true,
.header = "method_cost",
.compare = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::factory_type_id a, dcon::factory_type_id b) {
auto av = economy::factory_type_build_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, a);
auto bv = economy::factory_type_build_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, b);
if(av != bv)
return av > bv;
return a.index() < b.index();
.view = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::factory_type_id id) {
auto value = economy::factory_type_build_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, id);
return text::format_money(value);
float factory_type_build_cost(sys::state &state, dcon::nation_id n, dcon::factory_type_id factory_type)
Definition: economy.cpp:4377
std::string format_money(float num)
Definition: text.cpp:1029

Definition at line 1906 of file gui_production_window.hpp.

◆ factory_type_input_cost

table::column<dcon::factory_type_id> ui::factory_type_input_cost
Initial value:
= {
.sortable = true,
.header = "method_input",
.compare = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::factory_type_id a, dcon::factory_type_id b) {
auto av = economy::factory_type_input_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, a);
auto bv = economy::factory_type_input_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, b);
if(av != bv)
return av > bv;
return a.index() < b.index();
.view = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::factory_type_id id) {
auto value = economy::factory_type_input_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, id);
return text::format_money(value);
float factory_type_input_cost(sys::state &state, dcon::nation_id n, dcon::factory_type_id factory_type)
Definition: economy.cpp:4404

Definition at line 1827 of file gui_production_window.hpp.

◆ factory_type_name

table::column<dcon::factory_type_id> ui::factory_type_name
Initial value:
= {
.sortable = true,
.header = "method_name",
.compare = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::factory_type_id a, dcon::factory_type_id b) {
auto av = text::produce_simple_string(state,;
auto bv = text::produce_simple_string(state,;
if(av != bv)
return av > bv;
return a.index() < b.index();
.view = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::factory_type_id id) {
auto value = text::produce_simple_string(state,;
return value;
.cell_definition_string = "thin_cell_name",
.header_definition_string = "thin_cell_name"
std::string produce_simple_string(sys::state const &state, dcon::text_key id)
Definition: text.cpp:617

Definition at line 1808 of file gui_production_window.hpp.

◆ factory_type_output_cost

table::column<dcon::factory_type_id> ui::factory_type_output_cost
Initial value:
= {
.sortable = true,
.header = "method_output",
.compare = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::factory_type_id a, dcon::factory_type_id b) {
auto av = economy::factory_type_output_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, a);
auto bv = economy::factory_type_output_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, b);
if(av != bv)
return av > bv;
return a.index() < b.index();
.view = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::factory_type_id id) {
auto value = economy::factory_type_output_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, id);
return text::format_money(value);
float factory_type_output_cost(sys::state &state, dcon::nation_id n, dcon::factory_type_id factory_type)
Definition: economy.cpp:4396

Definition at line 1844 of file gui_production_window.hpp.

◆ factory_type_payback

table::column<dcon::factory_type_id> ui::factory_type_payback
Initial value:
= {
.sortable = true,
.header = "method_payback",
.compare = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::factory_type_id a, dcon::factory_type_id b) {
auto av = economy::factory_type_output_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, a)
- economy::factory_type_input_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, a);
auto bv = economy::factory_type_output_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, b)
- economy::factory_type_input_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, b);
av = std::max(0.f, av);
bv = std::max(0.f, bv);
av = economy::factory_type_build_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, a) / av;
bv = economy::factory_type_build_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, b) / bv;
if(av != bv)
return av > bv;
return a.index() < b.index();
.view = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::factory_type_id id) {
auto value = economy::factory_type_output_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, id)
- economy::factory_type_input_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, id);
value = std::max(0.f, value);
value = economy::factory_type_build_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, id) / value;
return text::format_float(value);
std::string format_float(float num, size_t digits)
Definition: text.cpp:981

Definition at line 1924 of file gui_production_window.hpp.

◆ factory_type_profit

table::column<dcon::factory_type_id> ui::factory_type_profit
Initial value:
= {
.sortable = true,
.header = "method_profit",
.compare = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::factory_type_id a, dcon::factory_type_id b) {
auto av = economy::factory_type_output_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, a)
- economy::factory_type_input_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, a);
auto bv = economy::factory_type_output_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, b)
- economy::factory_type_input_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, b);
if(av != bv)
return av > bv;
return a.index() < b.index();
.view = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::factory_type_id id) {
auto value = economy::factory_type_output_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, id)
- economy::factory_type_input_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, id);
return text::format_money(value);

Definition at line 1861 of file gui_production_window.hpp.

◆ factory_type_profit_margin

table::column<dcon::factory_type_id> ui::factory_type_profit_margin
Initial value:
= {
.sortable = true,
.header = "method_margin",
.compare = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::factory_type_id a, dcon::factory_type_id b) {
auto av = economy::factory_type_output_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, a)
- economy::factory_type_input_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, a);
auto bv = economy::factory_type_output_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, b)
- economy::factory_type_input_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, b);
av /= economy::factory_type_output_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, a);
bv /= economy::factory_type_output_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, b);
if(av != bv)
return av > bv;
return a.index() < b.index();
.view = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::factory_type_id id) {
auto value = economy::factory_type_output_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, id)
- economy::factory_type_input_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, id);
value /= economy::factory_type_output_cost(state, state.local_player_nation, id);
return text::format_percentage(value, 2);
std::string format_percentage(float num, size_t digits)
Definition: text.cpp:977

Definition at line 1881 of file gui_production_window.hpp.

◆ max_chat_message_len

constexpr uint32_t ui::max_chat_message_len = 64

Definition at line 586 of file constants.hpp.

◆ nation_consumption

table::column<dcon::nation_id> ui::nation_consumption
Initial value:
= {
.sortable = true,
.header = "consumed_nation",
.compare = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::nation_id a, dcon::nation_id b) {
dcon::commodity_id good = retrieve<dcon::commodity_id>(state, container);
auto av =, good)
*, good);
auto bv =, good)
*, good);
if(av != bv)
return av > bv;
return a.index() < b.index();
.view = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::nation_id id) {
dcon::commodity_id good = retrieve<dcon::commodity_id>(state, container);
auto value =, good)
*, good);
return text::format_float(value, 1);

Definition at line 1593 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

◆ nation_demand

table::column<dcon::nation_id> ui::nation_demand
Initial value:
= {
.sortable = true,
.header = "demanded_nation",
.compare = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::nation_id a, dcon::nation_id b) {
dcon::commodity_id good = retrieve<dcon::commodity_id>(state, container);
auto av =, good);
auto bv =, good);
if(av != bv)
return av > bv;
return a.index() < b.index();
.view = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::nation_id id) {
dcon::commodity_id good = retrieve<dcon::commodity_id>(state, container);
auto value =, good);
return text::format_float(value, 1);

Definition at line 1574 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

◆ nation_name

table::column<dcon::nation_id> ui::nation_name
Initial value:
= {
.sortable = true,
.header = "nation_name",
.compare = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::nation_id a, dcon::nation_id b) {
auto av = text::produce_simple_string(state, text::get_name(state, a));
auto bv = text::produce_simple_string(state, text::get_name(state, b));
if(av != bv)
return av > bv;
return a.index() < b.index();
.view = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::nation_id id) {
return value;
.cell_definition_string = "thin_cell_name",
.header_definition_string = "thin_cell_name"
dcon::text_key get_name(sys::state &state, dcon::nation_id id)
Definition: text.cpp:880

Definition at line 1536 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

◆ nation_production

table::column<dcon::nation_id> ui::nation_production
Initial value:
= {
.sortable = true,
.header = "produced_nation",
.compare = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::nation_id a, dcon::nation_id b) {
dcon::commodity_id good = retrieve<dcon::commodity_id>(state, container);
auto av =, good);
auto bv =, good);
if(av != bv)
return av > bv;
return a.index() < b.index();
.view = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::nation_id id) {
dcon::commodity_id good = retrieve<dcon::commodity_id>(state, container);
auto value =, good);
return text::format_float(value, 1);

Definition at line 1555 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

◆ orientation_bit_offset

constexpr int32_t ui::orientation_bit_offset = 5

Definition at line 94 of file gui_graphics.hpp.

◆ prov_details_cutoff

constexpr float ui::prov_details_cutoff = 18.0f

Definition at line 15 of file gui_map_icons.hpp.

◆ rotation_bit_offset

constexpr int32_t ui::rotation_bit_offset = 3

Definition at line 87 of file gui_graphics.hpp.

◆ text_background_bit_offset

constexpr int32_t ui::text_background_bit_offset = 2

Definition at line 158 of file gui_graphics.hpp.

◆ trade_good_artisan_distribution

table::column<dcon::commodity_id> ui::trade_good_artisan_distribution
Initial value:
= {
.sortable = true,
.header = "artisan_distribution",
.compare = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::commodity_id a, dcon::commodity_id b) {
auto av = economy::get_artisan_distribution_slow(state, state.local_player_nation, a);
auto bv = economy::get_artisan_distribution_slow(state, state.local_player_nation, b);
if(av != bv)
return av > bv;
return a.index() < b.index();
.view = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::commodity_id id) {
auto value = economy::get_artisan_distribution_slow(state, state.local_player_nation, id) * 1000.f;
return text::format_float(value, 4);
float get_artisan_distribution_slow(sys::state &state, dcon::nation_id n, dcon::commodity_id c)
Definition: economy.cpp:546

Definition at line 1465 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

◆ trade_good_balance_column

table::column<dcon::commodity_id> ui::trade_good_balance_column
Initial value:
= {
.sortable = true,
.header = "balance",
.compare = compare_balance,
.cell_definition_string = "thin_cell_number"
bool compare_balance(sys::state &state, element_base *container, dcon::commodity_id a, dcon::commodity_id b)
std::string balance_view_commodity_id(sys::state &state, element_base *container, dcon::commodity_id item)

Definition at line 1304 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

◆ trade_good_consumed_nation

table::column<dcon::commodity_id> ui::trade_good_consumed_nation
Initial value:
= {
.sortable = true,
.header = "consumed_nation",
.compare = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::commodity_id a, dcon::commodity_id b) {
auto av =, a)
*, a);
auto bv =, b)
*, b);
if(av != bv)
return av > bv;
return a.index() < b.index();
.view = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::commodity_id id) {
auto value =, id) *, id);
return text::format_float(value, 1);

Definition at line 1516 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

◆ trade_good_demand_column

table::column<dcon::commodity_id> ui::trade_good_demand_column
Initial value:
= {
.sortable = true,
.header = "demand",
.compare = compare_demand,
.cell_definition_string = "thin_cell_number"
bool compare_demand(sys::state &state, element_base *container, dcon::commodity_id a, dcon::commodity_id b)
std::string demand_view_commodity_id(sys::state &state, element_base *container, dcon::commodity_id item)

Definition at line 1297 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

◆ trade_good_market_stockpile_column

table::column<dcon::commodity_id> ui::trade_good_market_stockpile_column
Initial value:
= {
.sortable = true,
.header = "market_stockpiles",
.cell_definition_string = "thin_cell_number"
bool compare_stockpile_market(sys::state &state, element_base *container, dcon::commodity_id a, dcon::commodity_id b)
std::string stockpile_market_view_commodity_id(sys::state &state, element_base *container, dcon::commodity_id item)

Definition at line 1311 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

◆ trade_good_name_column

table::column<dcon::commodity_id> ui::trade_good_name_column
Initial value:
= {
.sortable = true,
.header = "trade_good_name_header",
.compare = compare_name,
.cell_definition_string = "thin_cell_name",
.header_definition_string = "thin_cell_name"
bool compare_name(sys::state &state, element_base *container, dcon::commodity_id a, dcon::commodity_id b)
std::string name_view_commodity_id(sys::state &state, element_base *container, dcon::commodity_id item)

Definition at line 1274 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

◆ trade_good_player_factory_needs

table::column<dcon::commodity_id> ui::trade_good_player_factory_needs
Initial value:
= {
.sortable = true,
.header = "factory_need",
.compare = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::commodity_id a, dcon::commodity_id b) {
auto av = economy::nation_factory_consumption(state, state.local_player_nation, a);
auto bv = economy::nation_factory_consumption(state, state.local_player_nation, b);
if(av != bv)
return av > bv;
return a.index() < b.index();
.view = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::commodity_id id) {
auto value = economy::nation_factory_consumption(state, state.local_player_nation, id);
return text::format_float(value);
float nation_factory_consumption(sys::state &state, dcon::nation_id n, dcon::commodity_id c)
Definition: economy.cpp:4416

Definition at line 1344 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

◆ trade_good_player_gov_needs

table::column<dcon::commodity_id> ui::trade_good_player_gov_needs
Initial value:
= {
.sortable = true,
.header = "government_need",
.compare = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::commodity_id a, dcon::commodity_id b) {
auto av = economy::government_consumption(state, state.local_player_nation, a);
auto bv = economy::government_consumption(state, state.local_player_nation, b);
if(av != bv)
return av > bv;
return a.index() < b.index();
.view = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::commodity_id id) {
auto value = economy::government_consumption(state, state.local_player_nation, id);
return text::format_float(value);
float government_consumption(sys::state &state, dcon::nation_id n, dcon::commodity_id c)
Definition: economy.cpp:4361

Definition at line 1327 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

◆ trade_good_player_pop_needs

table::column<dcon::commodity_id> ui::trade_good_player_pop_needs
Initial value:
= {
.sortable = true,
.header = "pop_need",
.compare = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::commodity_id a, dcon::commodity_id b) {
auto av = economy::nation_pop_consumption(state, state.local_player_nation, a);
auto bv = economy::nation_pop_consumption(state, state.local_player_nation, b);
if(av != bv)
return av > bv;
return a.index() < b.index();
.view = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::commodity_id id) {
auto value = economy::nation_pop_consumption(state, state.local_player_nation, id);
return text::format_float(value);
float nation_pop_consumption(sys::state &state, dcon::nation_id n, dcon::commodity_id c)
Definition: economy.cpp:4495

Definition at line 1361 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

◆ trade_good_player_stockpile_column

table::column<dcon::commodity_id> ui::trade_good_player_stockpile_column
Initial value:
= {
.sortable = true,
.header = "national_stockpile",
.cell_definition_string = "thin_cell_number"
std::string stockpile_player_view_commodity_id(sys::state &state, element_base *container, dcon::commodity_id item)
bool compare_stockpile_player(sys::state &state, element_base *container, dcon::commodity_id a, dcon::commodity_id b)

Definition at line 1318 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

◆ trade_good_price_column

table::column<dcon::commodity_id> ui::trade_good_price_column
Initial value:
= {
.sortable = true,
.header = "price",
.compare = compare_price,
.cell_definition_string = "thin_cell_number"
std::string price_view_commodity_id(sys::state &state, element_base *container, dcon::commodity_id item)
bool compare_price(sys::state &state, element_base *container, const dcon::commodity_id a, const dcon::commodity_id b)

Definition at line 1282 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

◆ trade_good_produced_nation

table::column<dcon::commodity_id> ui::trade_good_produced_nation
Initial value:
= {
.sortable = true,
.header = "produced_nation",
.compare = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::commodity_id a, dcon::commodity_id b) {
auto av =, a);
auto bv =, b);
if(av != bv)
return av > bv;
return a.index() < b.index();
.view = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::commodity_id id) {
auto value =, id);
return text::format_float(value, 1);

Definition at line 1499 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

◆ trade_good_production_artisan

table::column<dcon::commodity_id> ui::trade_good_production_artisan
Initial value:
= {
.sortable = true,
.header = "artisan_production",
.compare = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::commodity_id a, dcon::commodity_id b) {
auto av = 0.f;
auto bv = 0.f;
for(auto n : {
av +=, a);
for(auto n : {
bv +=, b);
if(av != bv)
return av > bv;
return a.index() < b.index();
.view = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::commodity_id id) {
auto value = 0.f;
for(auto n : {
value +=, id);
return text::format_float(value);

Definition at line 1410 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

◆ trade_good_production_factory

table::column<dcon::commodity_id> ui::trade_good_production_factory
Initial value:
= {
.sortable = true,
.header = "factory_production",
.compare = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::commodity_id a, dcon::commodity_id b) {
auto av = 0.f;
auto bv = 0.f;
for(auto f : {
if(f.get_building_type().get_output() == a)
av += f.get_actual_production();
for(auto f : {
if(f.get_building_type().get_output() == b)
bv += f.get_actual_production();
if(av != bv)
return av > bv;
return a.index() < b.index();
.view = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::commodity_id id) {
auto value = 0.f;
for(auto f : {
if(f.get_building_type().get_output() == id)
value += f.get_actual_production();
return text::format_float(value);

Definition at line 1436 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

◆ trade_good_production_rgo

table::column<dcon::commodity_id> ui::trade_good_production_rgo

Definition at line 1378 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

◆ trade_good_satisfaction

table::column<dcon::commodity_id> ui::trade_good_satisfaction
Initial value:
= {
.sortable = true,
.header = "artisan_distribution",
.compare = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::commodity_id a, dcon::commodity_id b) {
auto av =, a);
auto bv =, b);
if(av != bv)
return av > bv;
return a.index() < b.index();
.view = [](sys::state& state, element_base* container, dcon::commodity_id id) {
auto value =, id);
return text::format_percentage(value, 1);

Definition at line 1482 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.

◆ trade_good_supply_column

table::column<dcon::commodity_id> ui::trade_good_supply_column
Initial value:
= {
.sortable = true,
.header = "supply",
.compare = compare_supply,
.cell_definition_string = "thin_cell_number"
std::string supply_view_commodity_id(sys::state &state, element_base *container, dcon::commodity_id item)
bool compare_supply(sys::state &state, element_base *container, dcon::commodity_id a, dcon::commodity_id b)

Definition at line 1290 of file gui_trade_window.hpp.