Project Alice
No Matches
launcher_main.cpp File Reference
#include "common_types.cpp"
#include "system_state.cpp"
#include "parsers.cpp"
#include "text.cpp"
#include "float_from_chars.cpp"
#include "fonts.cpp"
#include "texture.cpp"
#include "date_interface.cpp"
#include "serialization.cpp"
#include "nations.cpp"
#include "culture.cpp"
#include "military.cpp"
#include "modifiers.cpp"
#include "province.cpp"
#include "triggers.cpp"
#include "effects.cpp"
#include "economy.cpp"
#include "demographics.cpp"
#include "bmfont.cpp"
#include "rebels.cpp"
#include "politics.cpp"
#include "events.cpp"
#include "gui_graphics.cpp"
#include "gui_common_elements.cpp"
#include "widgets/table.cpp"
#include "gui_trigger_tooltips.cpp"
#include "gui_effect_tooltips.cpp"
#include "gui_modifier_tooltips.cpp"
#include "gui_leader_tooltip.cpp"
#include "gui_leader_select.cpp"
#include "gui_production_window.cpp"
#include "gui_province_window.cpp"
#include "gui_population_window.cpp"
#include "gui_budget_window.cpp"
#include "gui_technology_window.cpp"
#include "gui_error_window.cpp"
#include "game_scene.cpp"
#include "commands.cpp"
#include "network.cpp"
#include "diplomatic_messages.cpp"
#include "notifications.cpp"
#include "map_tooltip.cpp"
#include "unit_tooltip.cpp"
#include "ai.cpp"
#include "fif_triggers.cpp"
#include "map_modes.cpp"
#include "platform_specific.cpp"
#include "opengl_wrapper.cpp"
#include "prng.cpp"
#include "blake2.cpp"
#include "zstd.cpp"
#include "pcp.cpp"
#include "gui_element_types.cpp"
#include "gui_main_menu.cpp"
#include "gui_console.cpp"
#include "gui_event.cpp"
#include "gui_message_settings_window.cpp"
#include <Windowsx.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#include "Objbase.h"
#include "glew.h"
#include "wglew.h"
#include <cassert>
#include "resource.h"
#include "fonts.hpp"
#include "texture.hpp"
#include "text.hpp"
#include "prng.hpp"
#include "system_state.hpp"
#include "serialization.hpp"
#include "network.hpp"
#include "simple_fs.hpp"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  launcher::ui_active_rect
struct  launcher::scenario_file
struct  launcher::ogl::color3f


namespace  launcher
namespace  launcher::ogl
namespace  launcher::ogl::parameters


#define UNICODE


enum class  launcher::string_index : uint8_t {
  launcher::create_scenario , launcher::recreate_scenario , launcher::working , launcher::create_a_new_scenario ,
  launcher::for_the_selected_mods , launcher::no_scenario_found , launcher::ip_address , launcher::password ,
  launcher::nickname , launcher::singleplayer , launcher::multiplayer , launcher::start_game ,
  launcher::host , launcher::join , launcher::mod_list , launcher::count
enum class  launcher::ogl::color_modification { launcher::ogl::none , launcher::ogl::disabled , launcher::ogl::interactable , launcher::ogl::interactable_disabled }


void launcher::create_opengl_context ()
void launcher::shutdown_opengl ()
bool launcher::update_under_mouse ()
void launcher::recursively_remove_from_list (parsers::mod_file &mod)
void launcher::recursively_add_to_list (parsers::mod_file &mod)
bool launcher::transitively_depends_on_internal (parsers::mod_file const &moda, parsers::mod_file const &modb, std::vector< bool > &seen_indices)
bool launcher::transitively_depends_on (parsers::mod_file const &moda, parsers::mod_file const &modb)
void launcher::enforce_list_order ()
bool launcher::nth_item_can_move_up (int32_t n)
bool launcher::nth_item_can_move_down (int32_t n)
native_string launcher::produce_mod_path ()
void launcher::save_playername ()
native_string launcher::to_hex (uint64_t v)
void launcher::make_mod_file ()
void launcher::find_scenario_file ()
void launcher::mouse_click ()
GLint launcher::compile_shader (std::string_view source, GLenum type)
GLuint launcher::create_program (std::string_view vertex_shader, std::string_view fragment_shader)
void launcher::load_shaders ()
void launcher::load_global_squares ()
auto launcher::ogl::map_color_modification_to_index (color_modification e)
void launcher::ogl::bind_vertices_by_rotation (ui::rotation r, bool flipped)
void launcher::ogl::render_textured_rect (color_modification enabled, int32_t ix, int32_t iy, int32_t iwidth, int32_t iheight, GLuint texture_handle, ui::rotation r, bool flipped)
void launcher::ogl::internal_text_render (std::string_view str, float baseline_x, float baseline_y, float size, ::text::font &f)
void launcher::ogl::render_new_text (std::string_view sv, color_modification enabled, float x, float y, float size, color3f const &c, ::text::font &f)
float launcher::base_text_extent (char const *codepoints, uint32_t count, int32_t size, text::font &f)
void launcher::render ()
bool launcher::is_low_surrogate (uint16_t char_code) noexcept
bool launcher::is_high_surrogate (uint16_t char_code) noexcept
char launcher::process_utf16_to_win1250 (wchar_t c)
LRESULT CALLBACK launcher::WndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
void signal_abort_handler (int)
LONG WINAPI uef_wrapper (struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *lpTopLevelExceptionFilter)
void generic_wrapper ()
void invalid_parameter_wrapper (const wchar_t *expression, const wchar_t *function, const wchar_t *file, unsigned int line, uintptr_t pReserved)
void EnableCrashingOnCrashes ()


constexpr float launcher::base_width = 880.0f
constexpr float launcher::base_height = 540.0f
constexpr float launcher::caption_width = 837.0f
constexpr float launcher::caption_height = 44.0f
constexpr int32_t launcher::ui_obj_close = 0
constexpr int32_t launcher::ui_obj_list_left = 1
constexpr int32_t launcher::ui_obj_list_right = 2
constexpr int32_t launcher::ui_obj_create_scenario = 3
constexpr int32_t launcher::ui_obj_play_game = 4
constexpr int32_t launcher::ui_obj_host_game = 5
constexpr int32_t launcher::ui_obj_join_game = 6
constexpr int32_t launcher::ui_obj_ip_addr = 7
constexpr int32_t launcher::ui_obj_password = 8
constexpr int32_t launcher::ui_obj_player_name = 9
constexpr int32_t launcher::ui_list_count = 14
constexpr int32_t launcher::ui_list_first = 10
constexpr int32_t launcher::ui_list_checkbox = 0
constexpr int32_t launcher::ui_list_move_up = 1
constexpr int32_t launcher::ui_list_move_down = 2
constexpr int32_t launcher::ui_list_end = ui_list_first + ui_list_count * 3
constexpr int32_t launcher::ui_row_height = 32
constexpr float launcher::list_text_right_align = 420.0f
constexpr ui_active_rect launcher::ui_rects []
constexpr GLuint launcher::ogl::parameters::screen_width = 0
constexpr GLuint launcher::ogl::parameters::screen_height = 1
constexpr GLuint launcher::ogl::parameters::drawing_rectangle = 2
constexpr GLuint launcher::ogl::parameters::border_size = 6
constexpr GLuint launcher::ogl::parameters::inner_color = 7
constexpr GLuint launcher::ogl::parameters::subrect = 10
constexpr GLuint launcher::ogl::parameters::enabled = 4
constexpr GLuint launcher::ogl::parameters::disabled = 3
constexpr GLuint launcher::ogl::parameters::border_filter = 0
constexpr GLuint launcher::ogl::parameters::filter = 1
constexpr GLuint launcher::ogl::parameters::no_filter = 2
constexpr GLuint launcher::ogl::parameters::sub_sprite = 5
constexpr GLuint launcher::ogl::parameters::use_mask = 6
constexpr GLuint launcher::ogl::parameters::progress_bar = 7
constexpr GLuint launcher::ogl::parameters::frame_stretch = 8
constexpr GLuint launcher::ogl::parameters::piechart = 9
constexpr GLuint launcher::ogl::parameters::barchart = 10
constexpr GLuint launcher::ogl::parameters::linegraph = 11
constexpr GLuint launcher::ogl::parameters::tint = 12
constexpr GLuint launcher::ogl::parameters::interactable = 13
constexpr GLuint launcher::ogl::parameters::interactable_disabled = 14
constexpr GLuint launcher::ogl::parameters::subsprite_b = 15
constexpr GLuint launcher::ogl::parameters::atlas_index = 18

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 1 of file launcher_main.cpp.



Definition at line 70 of file launcher_main.cpp.


#define UNICODE

Definition at line 64 of file launcher_main.cpp.

Function Documentation

◆ EnableCrashingOnCrashes()

void EnableCrashingOnCrashes ( )

Definition at line 2462 of file launcher_main.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ generic_wrapper()

void generic_wrapper ( )

Definition at line 2449 of file launcher_main.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ invalid_parameter_wrapper()

void invalid_parameter_wrapper ( const wchar_t *  expression,
const wchar_t *  function,
const wchar_t *  file,
unsigned int  line,
uintptr_t  pReserved 

Definition at line 2452 of file launcher_main.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ signal_abort_handler()

void signal_abort_handler ( int  )

Definition at line 2405 of file launcher_main.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ uef_wrapper()

LONG WINAPI uef_wrapper ( struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *  lpTopLevelExceptionFilter)

Definition at line 2444 of file launcher_main.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ wWinMain()

int WINAPI wWinMain ( HINSTANCE  ,

Definition at line 2481 of file launcher_main.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function: